NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 2 Attempt 1 Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification Change Theories That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution



The PDSA (plan-do-study-act) model is the perfect example of a change theory that can be used to develop effective solutions for the issues discussed in my interview with Denise Rundle. The PDSA cycle would enable multidisciplinary teams to establish goals and solutions based on data obtained from each team member. For managers, patients, nurses, PCC’s and physicians, a simplified version of a recommended proposal should be adopted. Then a “dry run” to implement the plan could be conducted and then analyzed to determine which areas require improvement; Finally, all team members could review the data and make necessary adjustments 


to carry out the final change. (Donnelly & Kirk, 2017). This source was chosen because it is a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that was published within the last five years. 

Leadership Strategies That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

According to Dyess et al., (2017) in order for organizations to undergo change and implement solutions, present nurse leaders must bridge the gap between themselves and prospective nurse leaders. Current leaders can implement practices like fostering professional relationships and offering training to the next generation of nurses. This would prepare nurses early in their careers to become leaders and would have positive effects on teamwork and administration. Effective management and leadership might also help alleviate staffing shortages and in turn reduce patient safety issues.

I chose this source because it is a relevant, scholarly and peer-reviewed article that was published within the last five years. This source is significant to the challenges discussed in this interview because it examines leadership techniques for developing future nurse leaders.

Collaboration Approaches for Interdisciplinary Teams

According to the video “Transforming care at the bedside: Empowering improved nursing care”, one example of a collaborative strategy includes the use of a colored coding system so that coworkers can signal to one another if they need assistance with patient care. The video also advocated for the use of whiteboards in patient rooms so that nurses can record the patients’ daily goals. The PDSA cycle was used to implement this collaboration, which resulted in improved teamwork, communication, and patient outcomes (Ratelle et al., 2020). This source is relevant and reputable because it is a peer-reviewed and scholarly article published within the last five years. 


In conclusion, the implementation of the discussed leadership strategies, change management theories, and interdisciplinary approaches could alleviate staffing shortages. Change theories such as the PDSA cycle involve all members of the interdisciplinary team and are driven. Training young nurses to become future leaders and requiring current leaders to be more present and involved will improve working conditions and reduce staffing shortages. Using a colored coding system might also help decrease staffing shortages because it would allow nurses to assist their coworkers in meeting standards of care. 


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