NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue


With the initiation of the health practices, the health systems have always been in grave threat of facing several issues that are either naturally occurring or are man imposed. Either way, the health spectrum has always been at risk for analyzing and counteracting such issues. With the development of highly technical apparatuses and systems that were designed to provide ease during patient management and with the increased advancement in the development of new techniques and their imposition came to lead to the rise of many issues complex nature (Kasthuri, 2018). This broad spectrum of health systems hence is at the stake of maintaining the quality of care that is being provided to the patients that are under treatment.

For any healthcare organization, the foremost thing that is kept in mind and is always at risk is maintaining the safety of their patients. The healthcare society thus remains accountable for any risk that may arise in maintaining the health of the patient and ensuring their safety. If any such issue is left unattended not only does the health of the patient face risks but the organization’s reputation also comes at stake. Such issues would impose long-term side effects on the organization’s performance which may be affected by any such problem and would lead the organization to face financial or social issues as well. (Aminizadeh et al., 2022). 

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Combating any issue as such requires the application of sufficient knowledge both by the organization and the staff working under them. Here efficient analysis by the staff and the organization related to the problem is required which will help in the development of the rationales that reduce the posed negative effects. Evidence-based practices thus implemented will help in the identification of the issues, and the possible risks that are associated with them, the core cause of the issue, the intervening practices., and the determination of the sources that are to be applied for knowledge-based solutions and the analysis of their credibility, formation of the coalitions between the interdisciplinary departments that will help in the implementation of the steps that will help in lessening the discrepancies that are being observed. The current study discussion will focus on the steps that are related to the identification of such health issues with the application of the Socratic technique that is used for solving the problems that are encountered in the vicinity of the health organizations. 

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Reasons for Health Care Problem or Issue

While dealing with disasters or daily health issues among patients, the healthcare sector is always seen as the savior that performs in an outclass fashion with no potential risks associated with it. For such a performance, it is expected by the healthcare systems to be prepared readily for facing any issue, however, most of the systems are not prepared in advance, hence pay the price of not being prepared by facing disastrous results and ultimately producing staggering results (Aminizadeh et al., 2022). Therefore, special consideration by the organization is required as the point of concern is the maintenance of the health of the patients and their recovery (Aminizadeh et al., 2019). For the application of the right steps at the right time, the first thing required by the system is the identification of the issue and the reason associated with it.

In the clinical management systems, one major reason for the shortfall of the mismanagement observed is the handling of the situation by taking decisions on first hand which may be right to some extent but carry the risks of going wrong as well. Decision-making relies on the integration of the information that is related to the patient with their clinical implication, analysis of contextual nature, and further detailed information that is related to their medical condition. If any such step is missed or overlooked, it will lead to a poor diagnosis followed by compromised treatment and hence delayed or no recovery of the patient (Cook et al., 2018).

Up till now, it has been observed that among the cases that are brought to the hospitals for treatment a 10 % of the cases under observation face poor diagnosis which results in either the slow recovery of the patients or a worse situation ultimately (Cook et al., 2018).  For such errors to occur the reasons observed include the errors that are observed in the performance of the staff that is dealing with the patients. The staff is always expected

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