NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue


The Socratic technique inhabits the environment where critical thinking flourishes with the promotion of hypothesis building for any issue of concern with the formulation of strategies that provide profitable results. The technique would enable the working bodies to understand the nature and degree of the problem and how to counter them. The technique would be the most effective if the attitude of the worker goes in line with the technique. The technique in the system that suffers for risk assessment and analysis would be best applied through the formation of a coalition between the different disciplines of the hospitals where the leaders and the stakeholders come in direct contact with the staff working under them and ultimately creating the healthy environment where the issues are brought up to them with the innovative solutions for the issues.

The coalition then based on the critical thinking technique should inhabit the application of the tools or systems that would later help in lessening the discrepancies encountered. The introduction of the CRAAP tool application would then enable the nurses to look for evidence-based relevant sources that would help them in identifying both relevant and irrelevant sources and would provide support to their ideas. The ideas supported with relevant references could then be presented in front of the coalition during the meetings with the higher staff where both the issue and the solution would be discussed with them. Further, the hospital should invest in providing good opportunities to the nurses with the introduction of the EHR system that could help lessen the burden of storing and managing the data of the patients. The nurses should be allowed to be trained for the application of the system by hiring external expert bodies for the respective EHR system who will train and remove all ambiguities that could remain in the mind of the nurses so that they can perform efficiently. 

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Ethical Principles of Potential Solution Implemented

To function effectively preparedness on a structural level is what is required by the hospitals which will reduce any failure that could be expected to occur (Moheimani et al., 2021). Dealing with the issues on the structural level and introducing preventive techniques against them also require ethical principles to be followed. WHO defines sustainable development to keep flowing within any system and relies upon the key factor of the preparedness of the team working in a hospital (Aminizadeh et al., 2022; WHO, 2007)? For any decision that is being taken during the treatment of the patient ethical criteria are to be considered carefully. 

With the application of tools as such the EHR system, storing data of the patient is at most risk, thus the privacy of the patient data could be ensured allowing only the authorized bodies to be in reach of the information. Categorization of the staff based on this could help in keeping the ethical standards maintained. During the application of such a system, the nurses must be provided the platforms where they are given the will to explore and learn about the system. Further, the nurses must be trained to be well aware of the ethical consequences if they do any mistake while dealing with patients. Such knowledge would help the nurses to orient their complete attention to the patient specifically during medication administration. Further, the CRAAP tool application must be made sure so that credible sources come into use for the innovative solutions to be applied.


Healthcare systems are dealing with multiple issues of different nature and severity for which they require to perform most effectively. To counter these issues efficient techniques such as the SOCRATIC technique must be introduced and applied which help in the mitigation of the negative effects posed by such a crisis. The application of such techniques with ethical considerations helps in lessening the discrepancies that are observed in the healthcare systems overall. 


Aminizadeh, M., Farrokhi, M., Ebadi, A., Masoumi, G., Koliva Nd, P., & Khankeh, H. (2022). Hospital preparedness challenges in biological disasters: A qualitative study. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness16(3), 956-960.

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