NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Applying Ethical Principles Assessment of Case Study Facts with Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Cultural Competence and Effective Communication:

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Applying Ethical Principles

Healthcare ethics urges the requirement of mastering ethical pitfalls that can merely be achieved if they have a ground of thorough-going ethical principles [that are] used as a primary tool to produce the decision. The process is superficial and follows onto a case study of Dr. Clark and Mr. Patel. The obstacles they face with language, cultural competence, and the ethics of the cure are imaged in the case. A formula of communication strategies, a model of ethical decision-making, and a solution based on moral norms are the principal aims of this bulletin, with the objective of displaying the numerous natures of ethical health care.

Assessment of Case Study Facts with Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Cultural Competence and Effective Communication:

Cultural sensitivity is an essential consideration in the process of meeting the needs of a diverse client group, as shown in the literature by (Brooks et al., 2019). Communication strategies that are adapted to different medical cultures and surroundings and that are understood by patients are favorable for creating a mutual understanding and trust between specialists and patients. Dr. Clark’s attempt to bridge the cultural gap by supplementing his appointments with translations, allowances for time, and cultural consideration are helpful strategies noted in migrant and refugee healthcare literature. With the help of the science of language translation and cultural sensitivity, Dr. Clark is showing the degree of her attention to a patient-centered approach.

Ethical Principles and Patient Autonomy:

Seeking autonomy and beneficence as ethical principles, Dr. Clark is founded while offering the compelling of the scenario. (Varkey, 2020) study underscores the central role of respect for the autonomy of patients during clinical practice while also highlighting the necessity of creating the best possible benefit for these patients. The doctor responsible for Mr. Patel’s surgery, the one who ensures his understanding of the procedure matches the ethical code of patient autonomy, does well. So, this authoritative evidence illuminates the moral basis of the physician’s attitude and the overall guideline for the individual-centered method.

Effectiveness of Communication Approaches

Utilization of Verbal and Visual Aids:

Dr. Clark uses oral instruction and also visual images to help Mr. Patel understand the surgical procedure on her. Oral communication, although necessary for passing the rearing to patients with the primary English language, only prudent visual aids are more suitable to increase comprehension.

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Applying Ethical Principles

As per the publication (Mehra & Mishra, 2021), the merging of multiple types of communication can help in efforts to improve patient knowledge and, in turn, patient satisfaction. That is why Dr. Clark’s application of these tools to assist in better communication with patients is notable and should continue to yield more favorable outcomes.

Interpreter Services and Cultural Sensitivity:

By depicting the events where the services of interpreters would be engaged, the case study demonstrates the conversations that Dr. Clark had with Mr. Patel. Nevertheless, dual issues arise, which include recruiting competent interpreters and overcoming related difficulties of medical specialty terminology. The effectiveness level can be improved only when such an arbor seems like a professional interpreter who can speak Gujarati fluently. The cultural sensitivity training of interpreters and the healthcare staff is desirable since it would help in overcoming culture-bound language barriers and would be more effective in the communication process (Krampe et al., 2022). Being culturally aware when interpreting healthcare can build trust and good relationships between healthcare providers and patients from different cultural backgrounds.

Avoidance of Assumptions and Simplification:

Dr. Clark’s insistence on nods and smiles solely from Mr. Patel in their consultations as a measure of trust is a problem for her undivided reason. One of the most common areas for improvement of a web-based medical consultation is the desire to make an assumption rather than a confirmation of comprehension, which can result in a misunderstanding and compromise the quality of informed consent. Instead of focusing on delivering information alone, healthcare providers ought to adopt a patient-based approach that does not shy away from evaluating the degree of understanding and also squarely takes care of any uncertainties. In the case of complicated medical terminology, simple language is one more tool f

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