NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Applying Ethical Principles


Moreover, the case study hints at the influence of power dynamics and political factors, with Dr. Cutrite possessing a formidable presence. Consequently, it is imperative for Straight to address this potential conflict directly and embark on a course of action aimed at its resolution. The mastery of conflict resolution skills and the initiation of candid conversations to navigate such professional dynamics are fundamental attributes of effective healthcare leadership (Barlow, 2021). Furthermore, the early solicitation of ethical consultation could provide a structured and ethically sound framework for decision-making, reinforcing the importance of seeking expert opinions and guidance in intricate healthcare scenarios (Barlow, 2021). In summation, effective communication in healthcare serves as an indomitable pillar for ensuring patient safety and the conscientious observance of ethical principles (Barlow, 2021).

Effectiveness of the Approach Ethical Decision-Making Model

E.L. Straight’s approach in the case study “The Missing Needle Protector” strongly aligns with the principles of an ethical decision-making model. Firstly, Straight adeptly identifies the ethical dilemma at hand: the potential harm to Mrs. Jameson due to a retained needle protector. This initial recognition is a critical step in ethical decision-making, highlighting his attentiveness to ethical issues within healthcare (Kitulwatte & Edirisinghe, 2019).

Furthermore, Straight’s approach exhibits a profound consideration of ethical principles. He demonstrates a commitment to patient autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence in his actions. This is palpable in his intention to inform Mrs. Jameson about the potential issue and his prioritization of her well-being. By incorporating ethical principles into his decision-making process, Straight underscores the significance of patient-centered care in healthcare ethics (Ahmed et al., 2020).

Additionally, Straight’s willingness to consult and seek expert input is commendable. By engaging the chief of surgery, he exemplifies his commitment to obtaining guidance from experienced colleagues—a pivotal aspect of ethical decision-making (McIntosh & Vander Hoek, 2019). Seeking advice from experts or ethics committees ensures that decisions align with established ethical standards and principles, reinforcing the importance of this ethical component.

Consequences of an Effective Approach

An effective approach to ethical decision-making yields several significant consequences. Primarily, it culminates in patient-centered care, where patients’ interests and well-being take precedence. In the context of Mrs. Jameson’s case, her safety and autonomy are given the utmost priority, aligning with the central tenets of ethical healthcare practice.

Furthermore, such an approach upholds and preserves the ethical integrity of the healthcare institution. By adhering to established ethical principles and standards, the organization maintains its ethical credibility, fostering trust among patients, staff, and the broader community (Hartrick, 2019). Ethical integrity is foundational for healthcare institutions to fulfill their ethical responsibilities and maintain a positive reputation (Hartrick, 2019).

Lastly, an effective approach to ethical decision-making enhances the professional growth and credibility of individuals like Straight. It serves as evidence of their unwavering dedication to ethical standards and the safeguarding of patient safety. This, in turn, solidifies their roles as healthcare leaders who prioritize ethical considerations, thus reinforcing their standing within the healthcare community (Ahmed et al., 2020).

Ethical Principles Solution

A possible solution to the ethical dilemma presented in the case study, “The Missing Needle Protector,” is to inform Mrs. Jameson about the potential issue and encourage her to return to the hospital for further evaluation and, if necessary, removal of the retained needle protector. This solution is firmly rooted in ethical principles, demonstrating a commitment to patient welfare and autonomy (Kumar Nirdosh et al., 2023).

First and foremost, this solution upholds the ethical principle of beneficence, which dictates that healthcare professionals should act in the best interests of their patients (Ahmed et al., 2020). By informing Mrs. Jameson about the potential issue and offering her the opportunity for further evaluation, the healthcare team prioritizes her well-being and safety (McDougall et al., 2020). This approach ensures that any potential harm caused by the retained needle protector is addressed promptly, aligning with the ethical duty to do no harm (non-maleficence) (McDougall et al., 2020). Order this paper