NURS 8302 Discussion: Quality Improvement Initiative

Quality improvement aims to understand the complex healthcare environment, apply a systematic approach, and design, test, and implement modifications using real-time measurement to improve safety, effectiveness, and care experience (Jones et al., 2019). It is an opportunity to address concerns about how care processes and systems are delivered. Quality improvement (QI) is a team activity that collaborates with other disciplines, including patients, to improve care processes (Jones et al., 2019).  Done well, QI is a valuable process, enabling clinicians to deliver actual change to benefit themselves, their organizations, and their patients (Jones et al., 2019). This week’s discussion will focus on a quality improvement initiative, how adverse events are handled at my organization and impact public and internal perspectives on healthcare quality, and review a scholarly article where a serious error occurred and how this may relate to my organization.

QI Initiative Selected 

            I have been the co-chair of the Fall Prevention Quality Improvement Team for the network for several years. My co-chair and  I have led many fall prevention initiatives, including Dr. Patricia Quigley and Dr. Amy Hester’s (Hester Davis Scale for fall risk assessment) on-site visits to educate the network on fall prevention. I am fortunate to have met both fall prevention experts.

The QI initiative selected is a Fall Prevention Agreement to reduce fall events. I chose this QI initiative because I am passionate about fall prevention. This QI initiative was initially a Nurse Residency evidence-based project in 2018 and then expanded network-wide. Most patients are unaware of their fall risk. The Fall Prevention Agreement provides a standard format for communication between nursing staff and the patient, increasing patients’ knowledge of their fall risk factors. It is a two-sided agreement with specific fall prevention interventions and things the patient can do to prevent a fall. The nurse reviews the Fall Prevention Agreement on admission, and then after review, the patient and nurse sign/date the agreement. It is scanned into the electronic health record, being a permanent part of the electronic health record.

Adverse Events in My Healthcare Organizations 

My organization supports a just culture where colleagues are encouraged to do the right thing. It is a culture that promotes reporting and open discussion when adverse events occur. The aim is to avoid similar adverse events. Frontline staff is included in root cause analysis meetings to learn and discuss adverse events, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement action items to improve safety and quality of care. Research has shown that in units where feedback about adverse events is routinely given, staff have positive views on patient safety and are more apt to report adverse events (Liukka et al., 2017).

Leadership and the organizational structure play a vital role in developing and implementing QI plans (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration, 2011). In my organization, senior leadership acknowledges the importance of discussing adverse events and encouraging frontline staff involvement in decision-making and policy development, positively impacting public and internal healthcare quality perspectives. I believe it is crucial to include frontline staff to gain a firsthand perspective on potential solutions. When firsthand perspectives are not discussed in the aspects of QI planning, the QI initiative may fail.

Published Scholarly Article that Recounts a Serious Error

            Medication reconciliation is an essential component of patient safety. The scholarly article I selected refers to a 71-year old female who accidentally received Navane, an antipsychotic medication, instead of her anti-hypertensive drug Norvasc for three months (da Silva & Krishnamurthy, 2016). She sustained physical and psychological harm, including ambulatory dysfunction, tremors, mood swings, and personality changes (da Silva & Krishnamurthy, 2016). Unfortunately, multiple healthcare providers overlooked her symptoms (da Silva & Krishnamurthy, 2016). Errors occurred at numerous levels, including prescribing, pharmacy dispensation, hospitalization, and outpatient follow-up. (da Silva & Krishnamurthy, 2016). The outpatient pharmacy accidentally dispensed Navan instead of Norvasc (da Silva & Krishnamurthy, 2016). Navane/Norvasc is one of many sound-alik

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