NURS 8210 Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers Skills and or Ideas Demonstrated by the Pioneers


One of the skills that both Simpson and Abbott demonstrated that I may use in life is research skills. The two pioneers were active researchers in the field of nursing informatics. Their roles show that development of effective research skills contribute to the use of best practices in nursing. Therefore, I intend to improve my research skills to ensure that I contribute to the development of the profession and other nurses. The second idea that I can learn from the pioneers is the importance of promoting the competency development in others. Simpson and Abbott showed the importance of knowledge and skill transfer through their roles as lecturers of nursing informatics. I will therefore strive to contribute to the development of others through practices such as coaching and mentorship.

Nursing is a calling. This has always been my believe. For you to be a nurse and care for someone in their lowest point of their lives means you have been called to be the peace of the patient. It takes compassion, determination, perseverance, and the spirit of endurance to nurse someone. Looking at the story of Moses, he was called by God to lead the people of Israel when they were enslaved in Egypt. This role didn’t come easy as he was to face Pharoah to advocate for the release of the Israelites. As nurses we have the responsibility to advocate for the good of our patients in our care. We speak to the physicians and other healthcare professionals who are on the care team of the patients. If we as nurses are prompt and persistent to ensure the patient gets good care, there is a positive outcome in the health of the patients. There are times we will be faced with difficult situations in our nursing profession, but it does not mean we must give up. these experiences shape us for greater task ahead. In the case where other care team members are making our work difficult and failing to listen to us, we have the option of reporting to the higher authority in our field to ensure patient safety. When Moses met a resistance from Pharoah, he did not give up but rather went back to speak with God for guidance.

Nursing informatics is defined as the use of practice and science to ingrate nursing information and knowledge with technology to manage healthcare information (HIMSS, 2019). Nurse informaticists have a specific role in the healthcare system, which entails improving patients’ outcomes. The professionals drive the accurate usage of health information technologies such as electronic medical records and computerized provider order entries. Nurse informaticists communicate or work in between the clinical nurses and information technology staff (Strudwick et al., 2019). They work with the patient information system to ensure that data about patients are entered. Other roles include maintaining privacy, security, and confidentiality of patients’ data. They educate other professionals about health information technology to enhance care. They often focus on administrative issues to ensure quality patient care (Feldman, Buchalter, & Hayes, 2018). Therefore, nurse informaticists, just like nurses in other specialties, are an important portion of the healthcare system.

Nurse Informaticists and Other Health Care Organizations

Healthcare organizations have greatly improved in terms of care delivery, patient satisfaction, and outcome with the help of nurse informaticists. These professionals have enabled the collection and analysis of data more effectively, which influenced the way care is delivered and how resources are managed (Kruse, Smith, Vanderlinden, & Nealand, 2017). With the influence of nurse informaticists, the medical staff in these facilities have gained further knowledge regarding the use of health information technologies such as electronic health records and others. These healthcare organizations have experienced none or limited medical errors. They have also experienced the reduced cost of medication, improved communication, improved network, and internet systems, among other things.

The nursing informaticists interact with the interdisciplinary team and the rest of the nursing staff in different ways. The nurse informaticists create an informatics team from all interdisciplinary teams and departments to improve data flow and data handling strategies (Kruse et al., 2017). Furthermore, the nurse informaticist interacts with other professionals by increasing communication efficiency. They collaborate with doctors, clinicians, and other nurses to provide easy communication and educate them on basic informatics skills. New health technologies have enabled clinicians to text, and email with a lot of ease.  According to Wager,

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