NURS 8210 Discussion Consumer Health Information

Nursing informatics innovators were able to facilitate the scope of nursing practice positively across the globe through information technology. Today, Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI) is a collaboration of organizations that represents more than 20 000 nurse informaticists and brings together 25 distinct nursing informatics groups globally (Mitchell, & Hull, 2020).  The first Future of Nursing Committee meeting was held in March 2019 in Washington, DC, and the significance of how nursing informatics can contribute to the Future of Nursing 2030 report was outlined (Carter-Templeton, & Hull, 2021).

Selected Innovators

Patricia Abbott is one of the leading pioneers and innovators of nursing informatics, and is currently, one of the Co-Director of the Pan American Health Organization, and World Health Organization. She contributed immensely to the field of nursing informatics center on advocacy, policy, and education. Patricia was an educator and spent six years as the director of the graduate programs in Nursing Informatics (NI) at the University of Maryland in the School of Nursing department. She influenced health information by providing the needed education to nursing students thereby empowering their understanding of nursing informatics. She was a member of the Author team for the original Scope and Standards of NI Practice with the ANA, and then her work on developing the first certification exam in NI with the ANCC. (American Medical Informatics Association, 2021). In 2004 Patti moved to the Hopkins School of Nursing and shifted into Global Health Informatics for front-line caregivers in low resource settings. Most of her current work has been in this realm, where she used low-bandwidth technologies and knowledge management approaches to impact community health (American Medical Informatics Association, 2021).

Also, Jean M. Arnold is another informatics innovator that shapes the scope of nursing informatics globally through her publication of an early book in nursing informatics and curriculum development which includes the first undergraduate and graduate nursing computer courses. She has presented at national and international informatics conferences; was involved with the development and implementation of annual Rutgers College of Nursing Computer Conferences and promoted nursing informatics networking among nurses in New Jersey and Florida (American Medical Informatics Association, 2021). The contribution of both innovators sharps the field of nursing informatics through their teaching roles, nurse educators, leaderships skills, and professionalism in the nursing practice. Through Jean M. Arnold and Patricia Abbott, professional development programs are easily and readily available to upgrade the skills of those professionals already in practice.

Furthermore, the lessons acquired from their experiences are that hard work, perseverance, and an insertable desire for knowledge improve quality outcomes. The active collaboration of nurses with team members and respecting their prospective roles is crucial for success in any project All healthcare providers across the globe, required informatics skills so they can make sense of data and information as well as effectively provide care to patients.  Finally, nursing informatics innovation improves the quality, effectiveness, safety, timeliness, patient-centeredness, the efficiency of care, and patient access to services, which facilitate the high quality of care.



American Medical Informatics Association. (2021). Nursing informatics innovators.

Carter-Templeton, H., & Hull, S. C. (2021). Alliance of Nursing Informatics Innovator Profile: Vicky Tiase Expands Global Leadership With Appointment to the National Academy of Medicine Future of Nursing 2030 Committee. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing39(5), 237–240.

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