NURS 8201 Week 10 Assignment 3: Qualitative Research Approaches to Support Nursing Practice


The application of qualitative research in projects has been viewed with suspicions from the supports of quantitative research. Despite the two often being juxtaposed, the supporters of the former believe that the samples used in qualitative research is small and the authors of such studies are often biased (Chafe, 2017). However, studies have revealed that qualitative research possess immeasurable value regarding its application in several research project. Indeed, qualitative studies have a rich tradition in the study of type 2 diabetes in the minority populations. The general aim of qualitative studies in type 2 diabetes in minority populations entails the study of concepts that help us to understand behavioral dispositions, in any way possible, in natural settings as opposed to experimental settings. Qualitative studies will reveal the essence of certain modes of lifestyle vis-à-vis the prevalence of type 2 diabetes say in African-Americans.

The 2010 IOM report had four key messages or recommendations for nurses to position themselves strategically in healthcare provision. Firstly, the report stresses the need for nurses to practice to the fullest level of their education and training without any hindrances imposed by state boards of nursing. The message influences nursing practice as it means that nurses should be barred from practicing what they have trained on in different specialties (Price & Reichert, 2018). Secondly, the report asserted that nurses should engage in lifelong learning to acquire higher levels of education and training based on a better education system. The message means that the nursing practice requires professional nurses to engage in continual professional development to attain the latest skills and knowledge in healthcare provision, especially the deployment of technology.

Indeed, researchers have increasingly come to realize that the application of qualitative research methods such as observations, focus groups, interviews, case studies and consensus methods among others may help with the exploration of complex phenomena. To this end, qualitative research forms valuable additions to the methodological armory available to clinical researchers when it comes to issues such as examining type 2 diabetes interventions in minority populations. In using the qualitative research methodology to address the clinical issue of interest that will form the present course, the researchers will seek to answer the question “what” will happen if African-Americans will reduce their caloric intake and also adopt a more active lifestyle (Smith, 2018). Indeed, qualitative study will seek to reveal the ongoing in the African-American populations vis-à-vis the type 2 diabetes by describing and consequently interpreting the phenomena. Therefore, qualitative study will have innumerable value to the present clinical area of interest.


Chafe, R. (2017). The value of qualitative description in health services and policy research. Healthcare Policy12(3), 12.

Smith, B. (2018). Generalizability in qualitative research: Misunderstandings, opportunities and recommendations for the sport and exercise sciences. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health10(1), 137-149.

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