NURS 8100 Assignment: Staying Current: Online Resources


Technology is providing increasingly rich and credible resources for staying abreast of the latest trends and issues in health care. Many recognized organizations provide regularly disseminated updates via their websites, and offer this information free to subscribers. As you proceed through the DNP program, you will find that receiving these updates will support your professional growth as a scholar practitioner.

Thank you for the PPACA Subtitle F – Medicaid Prescription Drug Coverage insight. In your opinion, which population or group are likely to benefit from this health care feature?

Chronic diseases such as hypertension require a lifelong dependence on medication. Poor medication adherence worsens the disease, increases mortality, and a substantial rise in health care costs due to hospital readmissions. The causes for nonadherence to medication are complex. As pointed out, medication cost is a prevalent factor. Jüngst et al. (2019) discovered that patients over 63 years were likely to be nonadherent patients.

The majority of seniors retire, which causes a decrease and fixed income. The ability to maintain compliance with prescriptions for their complex health becomes difficult. Most seniors will develop more than one chronic disease and experience polypharmacy. Therefore, requiring supplemental insurance coverage. 73% of community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries were estimated to have some prescription drug coverage supplemental to basic Medicare for at least part of the year (Saver et al., 2004). How can seniors afford to pay with their limited income if additional coverage is needed?

Efforts to improve access of Medicare beneficiaries to prescription drugs equitably should address financial access via prescription benefits and other access barriers, particularly for indigent seniors and those in poor health. Employees Retirement System of Texas offers a comprehensive program for short and long-term prescription drugs. Senior that are eligible for Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP) health insurance in retirement, the State of Texas will pay some or all of your health insurance premium (Prescription Drug Programs, n.d.).


Jüngst, C., Gräber, S., Simons, S., Wedemeyer, H., & Lammert, F. (2019). Medication adherence among patients with chronic diseases: a survey-based study in pharmacies. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians112(7), 505–512.

Prescription Drug Programs. ERS. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2022, from

Saver, B. G., Doescher, M. P., Jackson, J. E., & Fishman, P. (2004). Seniors with chronic health conditions and prescription drugs: benefits, wealth, and health. Value in Health : The Journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research7(2), 133–143.


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