NURS 8000 Discussion 1 Week 2: Learning Online Historical Success


In an online educational program, there are many strategies one must develop to be successful. Time management is one of the most important strategies for me. Distractions can derail ones focus and lead to failure. Time management is complex with all the competing factors in the busyness of life. In a traditional setting, class time is offered on campus at a specific time there is a clearly defined classroom and base to start the learning process. In the online classroom, the flexibility requires one to engage with increased frequency (Alvarez Sainz et al., 2019). While the flexibility can be helpful, it also requires dedication to manage successfully. One strategy I have used in the past is to write out my schedule and plan my class time in a way like my undergraduate studies where I have a schedule that required me to be in specific rooms on campus. Time blocking is what I currently use and have found helpful. To time block, one simply creates immovable blocks within their schedule. As work arrival times are fixed for many, the same dedication is needed for success in an advanced degree setting. Making a list of the items I need to accomplish and establishing a time to complete each component has been helpful.

Anticipated Success

A new strategy I look forward to trying is the effective use of technology. I have found I often get pulled away by my phone and how it allures me to look at it each time it makes a noise. To minimize the distraction of my phone I am planning on silencing my phone during my devoted time blocks to ensure I am less distracted. Using the “do not disturb” setting will help ensure my eyes are not pulled to my phone. Technology overload is common in our world today (Orhan et al., 2021). While I expect this to help, I know myself and will also need to put the phone in another room to ensure I do not carelessly pick it up and venture down a rabbit hole only to find I have wasted the hour I set aside to accomplish a task. Knowing weaknesses and strengths of oneself is imperative. Learning daily areas one can improve will allow for adjustments that will lead to great success.


Success in any educational endeavor is complex. Current world situations with lockdowns, limitations on group meetings and life fluctuations are requiring agile mindsets for many. The flexibility of online education is great for social distancing and ensures educational endeavors can continue without major interruption. With this flexibility comes responsibility and establishing a robust plan will improve the likelihood of successful completion. Time management allows for balance in life and a favorable outcome.


Alvarez Sainz, M., Ferrero, A. M., & Ugidos, A. (2019). Time Management: Skills to Learn and Put into Practice. Education & Training61(5), 635–648.

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