NURS 6521 C Advanced Pharmacology Week 8 Discussion: Decision Making When Treating Psychological Disorders Bipolar I


(BP I), most recent episode (mre) manic, severe without psychotic features According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) Bipolar I Disorder most recent episode, manic, severe without psychotic features has diagnostic criteria being symptoms that last at least seven days (most of the day, nearly every day) and/or manic symptoms needing hospitalization. Symptoms can range in severity, which are typically delusional thinking, which is grandiose, religious, or paranoid. BP I mre manic, severe would have psychotic features symptoms if the patient is auditory and/or visual hallucinations (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). It is organic, because it is caused by physiologic features in the brain that are expressed through epigenetic predisposition. First episodes of BP type I typically occur before age 21, but new onset BP I is known to occur in people up to 40 years or older. People who are at risk for developing this disorder have first degree relatives who have been diagnosed.Usually, separate depressive episodes occur as well, typically lasting at least two weeks (APA, 2013). Depressive episodes are easy to miss due to depressed persons are typically withdrawn and remain at home. Steps in the Decision Process Box I Drug: Seroquel XR 100mg PO QHS Rationale: I had no other choice but to pick Seroquel. I’ve worked in inpatient psychiatric for acute stabilization for acute/new onset BP I manic and other psychiatric emergencies (why I’m late with assignment) for over ten years now

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