NURS 6052 Discussion: Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice? Discussion: Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice?


The Joint Commission

Implementation and application of EBP in health practice improve care delivery, patient results, and healthcare quality (Laureate Education, 2018). EBP is an approach to problem-solving that entails utilizing the best evidence and practice in healthcare delivery. It has helped reduce healthcare costs as well as burnout among nurses (Melnyk et al., 2018). EBP allows nurses to apply the best proofs and practices in healthcare, contributing to positive health outcomes. It has been embraced by hospitals, healthcare practitioners, and health organizations across the globe, such as national initiatives, accreditation bodies, and reimbursement. Thus, this assignment reviews The Joint Commission.

The Joint Commission is an accrediting body and organization that is based on making a profit. It is an independent, largest, and oldest standard-setting organization. It is also an accrediting body and surveys health organizations via chat review, patients and staff interviews to determine whether care provisions of an organization meet particular standards. According to The Joint Commission (2021a), these standards stress quality care, patient safety more and are updated often intending to match changes and advances in medicine and healthcare. They are deeply rooted in EBP. This organization is dedicated to excellence via Evidence-Based Practice that is found on the entire website. Its standards are established by expert consensus and scientific research mainly reviewed by the Board commission, but all articles and research done on this website are not cited. This website describes study research researched and published by CDC and other scholarly and peer-reviewed study research organizations.

In The Joint Commission, works are rooted in EBP as evidenced through provisions of rationale in National Patient Safety Goals. Each goal includes evidence-based rationale. Every single format for recognizing practice goals is accompanied by rationale, and it provides a chance for accreditation. After reviewing the Joint Commission, I realized that emphasis on minutia aims to recognize the aspects or areas that need improvement or even validation of staff’s exceptional practices. I have also understood the importance of supporting these standards formulated by a Joint Commission review (The Joint Commission, 2021b). This website also offers an extensive description of the rationale. The information provided on this website concerning the Joint Commission has changed my perception of the importance of accreditation as they explain adherence to set standards by health facilities. Most importantly, these standards ensure there is an enhancement of patient safety in health facilities and organizations.

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