NURS 6051 Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies Essay.

Nursing Informatics Project Proposal



In today’s world, there is nothing worrying than the deaths that are recorded on a daily basis emanating from the so-called lifestyle diseases. Thousands of new patients are diagnosed each day with a large number being unaware of being victims of these silent killer conditions. Among the top-rated lifestyle diseases/conditions are diabetes, hypertension, as well as obesity (Moghani Lankarani & Assari, 2017). One in every four Americans suffers from either hypertension or is diabetic. These statistics are alarming and have placed the two conditions among the 10 leading causes of death in the US. Diabetes is ranked number 1 cause of opportunistic diseases such as kidney failure, stroke and heart attack globally (The Observatory. Diabetes in America, 2017). NURS 6051 Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies Essay.

This calls for improved efforts in fighting this menace of lifestyle disease right through the creation of the public awareness, proper follow-up, as well as quality medical services to reduce the cases of diagnosis and the number of deaths associated with the same through proper data and information management (Thew, 2016). This paper will propose a nursing informatics project that will observe application of technology in the advocacy to improve the patient-care efficiency within the health facilities across the US.

The Project Proposal

The project that is proposed will be referred to as “Clinic alert follow-up system” (CAFS). This project will provide alert services to the involved nurses to identify or acquire updates concerning clinic follow-ups for those previously diagnosed with either hypertension, diabetes or obesity. Upon the first or subsequent visit to a health facility, and with the initial patient examination in the triage, the patient will undergo a routine checkup which must include the three crucial checkups of the diabetes, hypertension as well as BMI. If the patient is diagnosed with one or more of the conditions, the nurse will log in into the “Clinic alert follow-up system” (CAFS) and enter the patient medical code to perform a search. NURS 6051 Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies Essay.

If the patient details are not found, that means the patient is either visiting the facility for the first time or in the previous visits, they had not been diagnosed with either of the conditions. The nurse will key in the checkup results and recommend a further doctor examination and a possible clinic booking for the new patient (Glassman, 2017). This will alert the doctor during the patient session and if the doctor recommends a clinic or therapy session booking, the system will select a date and time upon the availability of the doctor, as well as the matter of treatment urgency. For a regular patient who had been previously diagnosed, the nurse will be able to get alert of the previous clinic follow-ups on whether the patient has been attending clinic/therapy sessions, as well as the treatment progress. This is the most important point of having the CAFS system in place as most diagnosed patients worsen their conditions due to lack of follow-up, especially with the doctor’s recommendation. With the CAFS assistance, the nurse and the doctor can establish the patient progress as every visit to the clinic or therapy session is also recorded and updated within the CAFS system NURS 6051 Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies Essay.

The Stakeholders Impacted by This Project

Clinic alert follow-up system (CAFS) will impact various stakeholders who include the patient, nurses, doctors, therapists, specialists, IT department team as well as the nurse informaticists. The main aim of having CAFS in place is to identify the trend of the three identified lifestyle conditions through diagnosis, clinical and therapy sessions, follow-up, as well as treatment progress (Wang, Kung & Byrd, 2018). With the normal routine checkups, most of the patients who get diagnosed with either hypertension, diabetes or obesity does not get proper follow-up, especially if their intended visit was concerning a different complication away from the tree. This situation has led to increased cases of these conditions as well as other opportunistic diseases such as heart attack, kidney failure and lower limb amputations that are all associated with uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes or overweight. The CAFS system is expected to solve this situation

Patient-Care Efficiencies This Project Is Aimed at Improving

For the patient-care efficiencies, CAFS is aimed at making follow-up from the initial visit o

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