NURS 6050/5050 Assignment: Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Assignment: Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Master of Science in Nursing


NURS 6050: Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Dr. Crystal Dodson

August 9, 2021

Global Healthcare Issue  


High Infant Mortality Rates

Description The lack of basics health education and healthcare has increasingly leads to health disparities. The health disparities such as high infant mortality rates have been experienced due to economic disparities. The global health professional must come up with an opportunity to address the infant mortality rate (Milstead &Short, 2019). The major cause of infant mortality rates us pneumonia, bacteria sepsis, and respiratory distress for



Country United States India
Describe the policy in each country related to the identified healthcare issue The Medicaid program offers financing coverage to pregnant women in low-income populations.


Additionally, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has greatly impacted health benefits base on infant mortality rates (Bhatt & Beck-Sague, 2018).

The program that reduces the increased infant mortality rate in India includes Reproductive and Child Health (RCH). Additionally, the country signed a contract with the Millennium Declaration at the UN General Assembly that sponsored the National Health Mission and RCH program II (Bhattacharjee & Gautam, 2020). The initiative that the National Health Mission implemented includes capacity building of healthcare providers. Management of malnutrition was an initiative that aimed at managing infant mortality due to malnutrition.
What are the strengths of this policy? The strength of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes offering preventive care and wellness visits (Bhatt & Beck-Sague, 2018). The policy subsidies offer financial help by making the health insurance less expensive for those that qualify. The National Health Mission and Reproductive and Child Health strengths help reduce the financial barrier in access to maternal health services. The policy also incorporates community-level involvement through cash-based incentives schemes.


What are the weaknesses of this policy?  


The weakness of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is that it does not cater for adequate screening service during pregnancy which limits follow-up for patients earning a low income (Bhatt & Beck-Sague, 2018). The program does not build a more diverse health care workforce.

The weakness of the policy is difficulty removing barriers in uptake of services, especially among the poor. Additionally, there are difficulties in finding a way to enhance easy access to maternal service that limits an increased infant mortality rate (Bhattacharjee & Gautam, 2020).
Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples) The social determinants of health care that impact infant mortality rates include living and working conditions, residential segregation, and social and environmental conditions (Donkin et al., 2018)


. The exposure of individuals at different levels of material resources leads to an increased infant mortality rate. Notably, social determinants play a

greater role in shaping the individual level of behavior, such as social support.

The social determinant that impact and increase infant mortality rates in India include the quality of the environment, social wellbeing, and living conditions. By improving the social wellbeing of pregnant women in India, a decrease in the infant mortality rate will be identified (Donkin et al., 2018). Additionally, by ensuring that the people-centered health system is universal, a signifant improvement in the reduction of


infant mortality can be identified.

How has each   The government of India implemented policies and


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