NURS 6050 Discussion: The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation Sample Paper


Nurses can play a significant role in evaluating policies to enhance the organization’s performance as well as their careers. They can participate in policy evaluation by being part of professional organizations, which most assume the role of collection and dissemination of various forms of policy data (Derouin, 2019).

As part of professional organizations, nurses contribute to a policy review by gathering knowledge and other forms of useful information that can be used to evaluate policy outcomes (Gazarian et al, 2020). Professional organizations present a great opportunity to learn from others and get their opinion on policy issues.

Nurses can also participate in policy reviews by using scientific data and evidence-based research to inform health policy reviews. Policy review processes involve the collection of credible and reliable information and reflecting on how such information can be used to improve existing policies (Waddell, 2019). By supplying policymakers with concrete data and evidence-based research, policymakers can make policy decisions that are based on facts. 

However, nurses may encounter various challenges as they participate in the policy review process. For instance, when they join professional bodies, they must be able to deal with other people’s opinions even if they do not agree. Whereas professional organizations help in building teams and networks, it might be difficult to develop a strong team if the team members’ ideas and opinions do not match.

Nonetheless, the teams and networks can play a significant role in facilitating policy evaluation. For instance, nurses can leverage social media networks to communicate and gain feedback on health policies. The social networks also present an opportunity for the nurses to educate the public on the policies as well as how they affect public health delivery.  


Derouin, A. (2019). Health policy and social program evaluation. In J. A. Milstead, & N. M. Short (Eds.), Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed., pp 115-131). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Gazarian, P., Ballout, S., Heelan-Fancher, L., & Sundean, L. J. (2020). Theories, models, and frameworks used in nursing health policy dissertations: A scoping review. Applied nursing research: ANR, 151234. Advance Online Publication.

Waddell, A. (2019). Nursing organizations’ health policy content on Facebook and Twitter preceding the 2016 United States presidential election. Journal of Advanced Nursing75(1), 119–128.

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