NURS 6003 Part 2 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Essay


I will also implement a number of strategies to ensure professional integrity and ethics. One of the strategies I will implement is to ensure professionalism in patient care and collaboration with other healthcare professionals. In working with patients and healthcare providers from various backgrounds, I will ensure that I demonstrate ethical behaviors such as respect, trust, and honesty. In my profession, I will also ensure that I advocate for the rights of the vulnerable. The second strategy I will use to maintain my integrity and ethics as a professional nurse is to follow institutional policies and regulations. Employee behavior is governed by rules, policies, and regulations in health care organizations. Healthcare providers are expected to follow the rules in order to promote patient safety, efficiency, and quality (Erikson & Davies, 2017). As a result, I will conduct myself in accordance with the established rules and regulations in order to promote professionalism, ethics, and integrity in my practice.

The final strategy I will employ to maintain integrity and ethics in my professional life is to use best practices in decision-making. I will make certain that I use evidence-based data sources to make sound and informed decisions about patient care issues. Evidence-based decision-making is important in practice because it promotes patient safety, quality, and efficiency. It also removes ethical concerns from practice (Erikson & Davies, 2017). As a result, I will collaborate with other healthcare providers and patients to investigate how evidence-based care and solutions can be delivered.

MSN students and MSN nurses must maintain their integrity and ethics in general. To ensure academic and professional integrity, MSN students and nurses can use a variety of tools. Among the tools available are those for promoting academic honesty, understanding academic roles and requirements, and demonstrating professionalism as nurses working with patients and healthcare providers from diverse backgrounds. As a result, MSN students and nurses should be active participants in researching effective strategies for promoting ethics and integrity in their daily lives.

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