NUR408 NUR 408 Neighborhood News Art

The Neighborhood Articles The Neighborhood is an internet site provided for the students of University of Phoenix. The site contains news & audio-visual files that narrate real life situations. These create a simulated treatment center experience. The site will provide useful information for those taking online courses on related matters. Article #1 ED Seeks Critical Capacities The article shows how overcrowded a local emergency room could become. Not all of them actually fall on emergency cases. Some are not aware as to where they should ask for assistance. The doctor assigned in the ER reasoned out that the society has insufficient resources for non-emergency cases. Low income earners were not given with much attention by the local communities. Despite the fact that the article speaks of what is really happening in real life, it failed to state the possible solution for the problem. Publishing in the local newspaper is just a way to disseminate information & that is all. There is a proper communication channel to apprise the proper officials & for them to take the necessary steps. The physician could have filed a report addressed to his director stating the problems & giving his

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