NUR 590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan

Aspects of the Implementation Plan: Barriers, Challenges, and Proposed Strategies

The entire success of this EBP project proposal will rely on how stakeholders, especially the project manager, and team, handle different components of the initiative. The EBP implementation will encounter barriers that include resistance to change, limited resources, the need for organizational leaders’ support, and insufficient knowledge and skills by nurses on Fall TIPS (Pop et al., 2020). As such, the project will require facilitators who include organizational leaders and managers, nurse leaders, and change champions who will motivate others to accept the use of Fall TIPS as a bundled care approach to reduce and prevent falls in the medical-surgical unit.

The management and project team should take an active role and integrate all stakeholders in the project. This requires effective communication and the application of models like Lewin’s change theory for employees to accept and embrace change. The integration and involvement of all nurses will ensure that the project attains its intended purpose. Again, predictable timelines would be critical for the success of this project.

Feasibility of the Project

The feasibility of the Fall TIPS intervention is high based on its cost-benefit analysis and approach. The cost incurred in implementing the intervention will be estimated and evaluate overall benefits that will accrue to patients and healthcare organizations, especially the medical-surgical unit (Tang, 2019). Based on the cost of implementation and the associated benefit compared to the effects of falls, the facility and unit will implement the Fall TIPS to reduce and prevent falls while improving the quality of care offered to patients.


Implementing this proposed EBP project to reduce and prevent falls in the medical-surgical unit will be critical to improving the quality of care offered to patients. Through the elaborate stages, stakeholders will assess the overall positive effects of the Fall TIPS intervention to reduce falls and improve the quality of life and patient outcomes. The implementation will focus on ensuring that all healthcare providers in the facility participate and develop a common goal to improve care provision. The Fall TIPS framework will help the unit reduce fall rates and improve the overall quality of care and patient satisfaction.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (2021). Fall TIPS: A Patient-Centered

Fall Prevention Toolkit.

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