NUR 550 Topic 2 DQ 2 Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, and genomics Re: Topic 2 DQ 2


Population health is determined by ecological, global, and social determinants and factors such as nutrition, genetics, lifestyle, environment, and socioeconomic factors. However, the two key determinants of population health are nutrition and lifestyle (Olshansky, 2017). As a crucial determinant of health, nutrition is perceived in three dimensions: person, family, and community. In rural settings, nutrition is a significant challenge that affects population health as people have limited access to healthy foods.

As a result, they are likely to experience calorie deficiency, protein malnutrition, premature deaths, low birth weights, and other issues. Although people have access to healthy foods in the urban regions, they face lifestyle challenges such as less physical activity and obesity due to junk foods (Olshansky, 2017). Environmental pollution influences population health, although the impact is more intensified in rural communities. NUR 550 Topic 2 DQ 2 Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, and genomics

People in rural regions are more exposed to hygiene, agrochemicals, and insecticides, while those in urban areas are more vulnerable to air and water pollution but are less affected. Health disparity resulting from inequality in household income, gender, and education is another socioeconomic determinant that affects population health (Olshansky, 2017).

The principle of genetics and genomics has also affected population health. For instance, genetic risks can influence the rate of morbidity of a particular disease, such as cancer. Available literature shows that diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, leukemia, and many others have been associated with genetic risks (Baird, 2017). NUR 550 Topic 2 DQ 2 Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, and genomics

To properly understand how ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, and genomes affect population health, the application of translational research is necessary. The reason is that translational research involves four steps in which an issue can be researched, possible interventions examined, and the impact of these recommendations on population health assessed.

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