NUR 550 Topic 2 DQ 2 Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, and genomics



In nursing research, respect for persons together with potential benefits and burdens of the research as well as justice are kept in balance by adhering to the ethical and legal framework. Ethical issues in research demand researchers to demonstrate respect to the target population by conforming to the social and cultural believes of the individuals (Martz, 2018). In this regard, researchers must seek permission and approval from the leaders within the community before conducting the nursing study. For, example a letter indicating the topic of study, objectives and intended outcomes must be provided to seek the acceptance of the populace.

Nursing research involving trial experiments are also undertaken by following the regulatory framework established within the target community. With this, researchers ensure that the study does not cause harm to the target population by following stipulated safety measures defined in a state (DeNisco & Barker, 2015). However, researchers are as well required to communicate potential dangers related to the study. This mainly applies to trials that pose unavoidable health risks such as mild side effects associated with an experimental drug. When the population is informed about the benefits and harms of the research, they will be able to make an informed decision about participating in the study.

Balance in nursing research is also maintained through proper communication. The study participants collecting the data are informed about how they need to behavior during the entire process of the research (Martz, 2018). Most importantly, communication should provide information about positive behavior that ensures respect for the target population. For instance, through effective communication, a balance in research is maintain when the researcher uses positive and acceptable behavior to the target population. Maintaining balance in research can also be achieved when the target population is informed about the results of the study (DeNisco & Barker, 2015). This gives assurance to participants about the behaviors that they need to embrace for a quality life.


DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2015). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Martz, D. (2018). Finding common ground: Consensus in research ethics across the social sciences By Ron Iphofen (Ed.) Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. $78.91, ISBN 9781787141315. British Journal of Psychology109(3), 631-632.

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