NUR 513: Applying Nursing Theory to patient care essay example

As a unique discipline, nursing is shaped by distinctive practices and concepts. Nursing theory frames these distinctions with a focus on delivering high-quality patient care as a concept. In fact, nursing theories are knowledge-based, organized perceptions and ideas that define the scope of nursing practice in terms of what constitutes nursing, the tasks that nurses undertake, and the reasons for nursing taking on the tasks within the professional practice environment. Overall, nursing theories offer a foundational understanding of nursing care concepts that explain what nurses do for patients and the reasons for their actions, thereby helping nurses to articulate evidence that justifies their practices and methodologies (Butts & Rich, 2018).

Purpose of Applying Nursing Theory

Nursing theory is applied to inpatient care to define the what and why of nursing care. In fact, the theories present frameworks that shape the parameters of nursing care delivery. Without nursing theories, nursing practice, concepts, and knowledge would lack a linear focus. With the theories, nursing care is able to naturally focus patients to address their health-related needs. Nurses make use of the theories to shape the care delivery strategies they apply in a manner that aligns their care efforts with the range of expected outcomes. It is important to note that while grand theories establish large frameworks for nursing, the middle-range and practice-level theories focus more on governing certain health scenarios and specific types of nurses (McEwen & Wills, 2018).

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The Meaning of Nursing Theory

Nursing theory serves an important function in improving nursing care quality. This occurs by articulating what nursing care entails. Alongside traditional practice and evidence-based nursing practice, theory-guided nursing practice is noted for improving the self-care, self-efficacy, and quality of life for patients. In applying nursing theory, nurses are able to ensure that their decisions and implementation are based on valid and reliable data, thereby being effective. Besides that, the nursing theory provides a platform for nurses to act as an autonomous entity in communicating with other stakeholders (DeNisco & Barker, 2016).

Nursing Theory Applied Prior to Planning and the Provision of Care

Nursing theory is applied in nursing practice to inform developments in clinical practice, academic research, and scientific reasoning. This is intended to improve nursing care quality. The development of nursing theory is typically targeted at improving patient outcomes, informing nursing practice, and advancing care strategies. This occurs through applying nursing theory to concepts and principles in nursing care with a focus on the reason for using specific care procedures, outcomes that are expected from each procedure, and care optimization (Smith, 2020).

Neuman Systems Theory

The nursing theory of choice is Neuman Systems Theory that was developed by Betty Neuman. This theory is appropriate because it is based on the idea that patients should be treated holistically since each patient has many needs that can disrupt their health and wellbeing if ignored. Applying this theory allows nurses to provide care that is based on a mutual understanding of spiritual, emotional, psychological, and psychological dimensions (Koutoukidis & Stainton, 2020).


One must accept that nursing is a unique discipline that is shaped by distinctive practices and concepts, with nursing theory framing these distinctions with a focus on delivering high-quality patient care. In addition, one must acknowledge that nursing theories present frameworks that shape the parameters of nursing care delivery in terms of defining the what and why of nursing care. Nursing theory helps to articulate what nursing care entails, and present frameworks that shape the parameters of nursing care delivery. Also, nursing theory informs developments in clinical practice, academic research, and scientific reasoning. Furthermore, an applicable nursing theory is Neuman Systems Theory that is applied in delivering holistic patient care that addresses the spiritual, emotional, psychological, and psychological needs of patients.


Butts, J., & Rich, K. (Eds.) (2018). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (Eds.) (2016). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profe

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