NUR 440 Vulnerable Populations in Current Events NUR 440 Vulnerable Populations in Current Events NUR 440 Vulnerable Populations in Current Events Find a recent newspaper article or periodical in the University Library discussing a vulnerable population or an event related to vulnerable populations.

Paper on Vulnerable Populations in the U.S. Vulnerability is related to risks and so vulnerable population in terms of health is referred to those who lie more prone to perils of physical condition. The poor and down- and-out people are in this category. People with chronic illnesses, AIDS/HIV, drug addiction and expecting ladies with very risky condition are also vulnerable. Refugees, molested people and even the aged people are also vulnerable. These people are either really poverty-stricken or devoid of own shelter. According to Hurst, S. A., 2008, it is not an easy task to label particular type of people as vulnerable. These people fail to get adequate healthcare facilities as they do not have sufficient financial support. That is why Ferguson, C. C., 2007 has observed that making these people enabled to get proper healthcare support is a great challenge. Providing them with government or non-government services for better health has been a challenge.Financially handicapped

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