NSG-505-IKC - Hlth Policy&Polit for Adv Nsg Identify an experience you had as a professional nurse where shaping policy was achieved through a spheres of influence as outlined in Figure 1-5. Describe the identified problem, policy development, political competencies applied as it impacted health and social policy.

The Future of Nursing- Report Review
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The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity (Wakefield et al., 2021) is a report highlighting nurses' critical roles in society. It reveals the challenge of equity in accessing health services by various people within society and the importance of nurses in ensuring that health equity is attained. This report is a product of the National Academies of Sciences, especially the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), founded in the 1970s as the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. As a non-profit agency, NAM is valued and respected for its efforts to provide evidence-based, thorough, and unbiased research on health issues and critical advice and recommendations to the nation on public health issues and concerns. It is the third report that NAM has created to help advance America's health care system. The first report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, was published in 2011, while the second one, Assessing Progress on the Institute of Nursing, was published in 2016. These reports seek to advance healthcare and health outcomes across the U.S.
This paper reviews The Future of Nursing: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. It also highlights the work of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) that led to the future of nursing report in advancing health equity. It further assesses the influences of the 2011 report on leading change and advancing health, state-based action coalitions’ impact on workforce development, education, and nursing practice, and how they continue to promote and realize the nursing profession’s goals. Since change encounters barriers, this paper discusses the obstacles that hinder nurses from achieving the report's goals and how they strive to overcome them.
The Work of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that Led to the Report
Generally, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine aims to offer credible, objective, and independent advice. This informs public policies with evidence that sparks innovation and progress and helps confront challenging aspects for the benefit of society. In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the agency identifies an issue affecting society, collects comprehensive data on the issue and its impacts on society, thoroughly assesses and analyses the data, and later comes up with advice and recommendations on how to effectively solve the problem. The National Academies of Medicine aims at improving health for all people by accelerating health equity and advancing science. It does this by providing authoritative, trusted, and independent advice for the nation and the globe. In this report, NAM and RWJF, which persist in collaboration to implement a health culture for all, believe equitable access to essential resources for good and quality healthcare services and systems in the U.S. is rampant, hindering healthcare goals.
Both argue that with the growing visibility of the effects of structural racism in all societal sphere

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