NSG 5002 Week 2 Theory Development – Barrier and Stimulants Paper – Week 2 Discussion Week 2 Discussion Example


In his theory, Henderson described four concepts including the environment, individual, health and nursing. In response to this discussion, the two concepts selected include the environment and individual. NSG 5002 Week 2 Theory Development – Barrier and Stimulants Paper


General Definition



Generally, an individual is described as a person, a single entity. An individual is a natural human being separated from an association. In nursing, an individual is a human being and a recipient of health services. An individual is the most important person in any health care setting. Individuals in healthcare facilities include patients, families, nurses and other healthcare facilities. The latter helps in the promotion of quality patient outcomes. 




Many theorists have defined the environment differently. For instance, Florence Nightingale defines the environment as the surrounding of a patient (Us & Models,2021). According to Florence, healthy surroundings are essential for healing and proper nursing care (Us & Models, 2021). Florence focuses of the environment in her theory. She explains the environment using five basic components including cleanliness, ventilation, fresh air, adequate lighting and proper diet.


Theorist Definition



Henderson described an individual by mentioning elements that make up a person. The theory appreciates that an individual has some needs including health. Henderson says that health is one of the basic things that enhance the general welfare of an individual. In the theory, Henderson states that individuals require help to achieve best health outcomes (“Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory – Nursing Theory”, 2021). Additionally, in cases of terminal illnesses, people desire independence and peace at the last hour of their lives. He describes that a person has a body and soul, both of which are inseparable. The theory furthers explores the spiritual, biological, sociological and psychological components of an individual (“Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory – Nursing Theory”, 2021). Finally, Henderson says that a patient.




The need theory defines the environment as a setting where people learn a special way of living. The environment includes influences and external conditions that affect the development of life (“Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory – Nursing Theory”, 2021). In the theory, Henderson relates individuals to their respective families. A patient’s environment consists of nurses who provide health care and conducive conditions to facilitate patient recovery (“Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory – Nursing Theory”, 2021). Overall, Henderson suggests that the environment should enable the patients to experience the 14 components. This includes proper elimination of body waste, normal breathes, conducive body temperatures, enough rest, cleanliness among others. NSG 5002 Week 2 Theory Development – Barrier and Stimulants Paper


Clinical Practice


As a family nurse practitioner, I apply the concepts of environment and individuals in my clinical practice. Throughout my nursing profession, I have to relate with other people. These individuals include both patients and other healthcare professionals. I always provide care for patients. Most often, I have the chance to interact with them, help them deal with pain, give prescribed drugs and educate them on medicine dosages. Other times, I have to talk to their family members especially when the health of the patient is critical. Further, I always interact with my fellow nurses during my shifts. Also, I converse with other professionals including clinicians and doctors. Overall, I have interacted with the concept of individual in my clinical practices. I must admit that I have encountered the concept of the environment. During my shifts, I ensure that the environment is conducive for the patients by opening windows to allow fresh air in and proper disposal of infectious waste. As a family practitioner, I sometimes deal with illnesses caused by a dirty environment. In response, I educate my patients that a healthy surrounding is necessary for a healthy living.




Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory – Nursing Theory. (2021). Retrieved 4 March 2021, from https://nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/henderson-need-theory.php

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