NSG 4068 Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process


Lawmaking is a complex and dynamic process that requires the involvement of specific individuals from multi-disciplinary healthcare agencies at every stage. Nurses can influence every segment of the lawmaking process utilizing their intelligence and interrelations with healthcare agencies. Nurses use their knowledge and experience to advocate for patients throughout the lawmaking process. Nurses have the responsibility to influence the lawmaking process in developing policies that shape the delivery of care for improved patient care outcomes. Policies also affect the allocation of resources supporting the delivery of care. This paper discusses the role of nurses in influencing the legislative process by answering structural questions based on the subject.

Parts of the lawmaking process a nurse can influence the final bill passage

It is the moral and ethical responsibility of nurses to be engaged in the formulation of legislation that impacts healthcare delivery. Nurses advocate for their patients by influencing the lawmaking process from the introduction of the bill and referral to the committee to presentation to the President for signing. Nurses’ participation in policy formulation has been maximized by some factors such as comprehensive awareness of their responsibility in legislation procedure, adequate skills and resources, and maximal opportunity. Nurses remain vital in the development, redesigning, and implementation of care policies; since nursing is the largest medical profession in the country. To participate effectively in the lawmaking process, nurses are encouraged to join professional nursing organizations and healthcare agencies responsible for advocating for patients (Goolsby and DuBois, 2017). Nurses also need to partner with other medical professionals such as physicians with comprehensive knowledge and experience in the formulation of healthcare policies.

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The House has the power to introduce bills about healthcare because it is highly directly representative of the subjected population than the Senate. The proposed legislation then is presented to the public for hearings in which both sides of the argument testify on the proposal. Nurses through professional nursing organizations develop their arguments about proposed healthcare bills in this stage. Their arguments are highly considered since they are part of the medical professionals to be affected by the contemporary policies. After hearing, the committee makes recommendations based on healthcare experts’ advice and opinions. If the bill is not supported by both chambers, a conference committee is formed to check and negotiate factors of the bill and make changes to satisfy all parties. The revote in the House and Senate occur for the bill to pass or fail. Professional nursing organizations have lobbyists who present nursing issues. The passed bill is considered enrolled. The enrolled bill is presented to the President to sign the measure into law or veto it and return it to Congress to let it become law without signature (Schiller et al., 2019). Professional nursing organizations have the power to write to the President to advise him on the effect of the enrolled bill on healthcare, and how it can impact quality care delivery.

Methods that the influence can take place

Nurses need to gain professional and educational experience to participate actively in the lawmaking process for the development of effective policies promoting improved care delivery. Nurses influence the legislative process through various methods. The main method involves engaging with, House and conference committees, designing professional nursing organizations, and joining registered healthcare agencies that can be highly recognized during the legislation process. Nurses’ influence in policy formulation protects patients’ safety, maximizes the quality of care, and expedites their acquisition of necessary resources to promote the quality of healthcare (Waddell et al., 2017). The managerial role of nurse leaders which includes decision-making skills and analytical ability is vital while generating professional nursing organizations for active participation in the lawmaking process.

Professional nursing organizations keep in communication with th

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