NRS 493 Topic 7 DQ 1 DQ Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal

NRS 493 Topic 7 DQ 1

DQ Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal

Dissemination refers to the action or fact of spreading something, especially information, widely. More specifically, dissemination research is the scientific study of targeted distribution of information and intervention materials to a specific public health audience (Guerin, Glasgow, Tyler,, 2022). Dissemination is the communication of clinical, research, and theoretical findings for the purpose of transitioning new knowledge to the point of care. There are both internal and external methods to disseminate information. Internal dissemination is sharing project information results within an organization. For example, an internal dissemination would be to increase the nurse’s abilities to use and apply the evidence. External dissemination focuses on increasing the reach of evidence and includes sharing information with individuals or groups outside of an organization (Sarver, McNett, 2019).

Thanks for your educational post. This writer is of the notion that a face-to-face method is ideal for the internal dissemination of evidence-based projects. However, for an evidence-based project on diabetic education writer is of the notion that one vital external method of dissemination can also incorporate the use of technology such as the media since diabetes is a global problem in urgent need of evidence-based interventions to improve these individuals’ quality of life. The traditional news media such as newspapers, television, and radio can be an important channel for reaching practitioners coupled with the technological use of social media. The media also ensures highlights newsworthy public health issues at a particular time. Researchers are also of the notion that the media is one of the most vital means to disseminate research findings to gain policymakers’ attention.  However, when using the media for external dissemination several key factors must be taken into consideration such as the seriousness of the problem, human interest, timeline of the story, a local angel for a national or state headline, and conflict or controversy surrounding information (Ross et al., 2018).

Internal audiences are those who share values or common points of interest and are the focus group for internal evidence dissemination and example are hospital boards. While external dissemination includes sharing information to individuals or groups outside of the organization. External audiences are stakeholders like professional nursing organizations. Dissemination of my change proposal to both internal and external stakeholders is key to the project’s implementation and success of outcomes. Communication strategies may vary with these groups, however, using targeted communication is key and involves tailoring your basic message both to your project goals and your target audience.

Dissemination of project outcomes is helpful because it allows for the sharing of appropriate information to the respective audience, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions based on the positive and negative outcomes of the project (Estabrooks, Brownson & Pronk, 2018). Dissemination is a key component in the translation of evidence because if the translation is not disseminated, then no change in care will occur and innovations will not be adopted.


Estabrooks, P. A., Brownson, R. C., & Pronk, N. P. (2018). Dissemination and Implementation Science for Public Health Professionals: An Overview and Call to Action. Preventing chronic disease15, E162.

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