NRS-493-O500: Topic 1: Identification Of Issue Significant To Nursing Practice I : Discussions

Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice

Implementation of evidence-based practices within the healthcare setting is an aspiration of many. This is because evidence-based practices are associated with improved health outcomes and quality of healthcare.  However, gaps and inconsistencies in translating sound research evidence into clinical practice still exist with the potential benefits not being experienced. The implementation process is demanding and requires collaborative efforts and adequate engagement of various healthcare stakeholders such as healthcare professionals, healthcare organization management, and health policymakers among others (Mathieson et al., 2018). This together with other barriers impede the successful adoption of evidence-based practices in patient care.

The adoption of evidence-based practices is hindered by several factors.  These include inadequate time and resources, inadequate skills, and insufficient support from healthcare organizations and management (Li et al., 2019). Inadequate knowledge and skills may be attributed to the nursing education curriculum that is not fully tailored to fostering the implementation of evidence-based practices. Training and professional development on approaches to improve the application of evidence-based practice are not adequately offered to healthcare professionals. The organizational structure can also negatively impact the implementation of this practice. Healthcare organizations allocate inadequate resources and do not offer adequate training and education to their staff. The hiring of inadequate staff leads to a high workload which leaves limited time and motivation for the implementation of best practices.

Strategies can be adopted to effectively address these barriers. The provision of adequate education and training of healthcare professionals and continuity of support after training greatly improve the application of acquired knowledge and skills in the adoption of innovative evidence-based practices (Mathieson et al., 2018). This can be achieved through approaches such as case studies and simulations. Fostering of organizational culture of embracing evidence-based practices with resultant adequate allocation of resources and support can also enhance the adoption of evidence-based practices (Li et al., 2019). This will ensure that the benefits of evidence-based quality care and better health outcomes are achieved.

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