NRS-493 Capstone Change Project Resources Solved Assessment Description

The implementation of the capstone change project in the nursing home will require a host of resources; both human and material resources that include financial. The intervention is about implementing a falls reduction initiative in the selected setting to lower fall rates among the affected patients, elderly individuals in nursing home (AHRQ, 2018). As such, resources will be critical to ensure that the organization offers sufficient ways to integrate them for better outcomes.

The first resource will be having human resources or nursing staff and other healthcare professionals that will implement the proposed interventions. The nursing staff, therapists, and physicians as well as pharmacists will form an inter-professional collaborative team to implement the proposed intervention in the facility (MacKay et al., 2021). These individuals will be at the core part of the implementation and delivery of the different interventions based on patient needs and requirements.

The second resource required to implement the capstone change project will be equipment and materials. These include fall scales, charts, and systems integrated into the organization’s infrastructure to deliver the proposed interventions (Schoberer et al., 2022). Having effective electronic health records (EHRs) system, and patient charts will ensure that nurses understand, and apply the suggested strategies to lower the prevalence of falls.

While nurses will attain knowledge and information on diverse interventions to reduce falls in home care setting, the organization should also provide better materials. Provision of mobility devices, frequent eye exams, effective sources of light, protecting clothing and non-slip mats in the bath and shower areas are essential resources that will be required as part of the equipment to reduce falls among these patients (Heng et al., 2022). These resources will supplement the acquired knowledge and competences to reduce falls and their associated severity among patients.



Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) (2018). AHRQ’s Safety Program for

Nursing Homes: On-Time Falls Prevention.

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