NRS-493 Capstone Change Project Resources Solved Assessment Description


Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change proposal were to be implemented. Review your strategic plan and determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented. Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal.

The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

Hello! Understanding the dependent and independent variables are extremely important with respect to our capstone change projects. Being able to understand how the interventions will influence our research. And the results that come about from the interventions and change implemented. The capstone project that I am doing is on fall prevention, the use of bed alarms and the implementation of hourly rounding. As fall continues to be a concern, having a intervention in place to try and prevent these falls from occurring is extremely important. Falls lead our patients to be at risk for injuries and prolonged hospital stays. As most of our populations in the healthcare field are those of the elderly, falls in this population can lead to many devastating outcomes that can include death. The incidence of falls also leads to a large cost to the healthcare system as well. There are many interventions that be put into place such keeping the bedside table within reach, call light within reach, patients have been toilet, and pain medications given. Of course, falls can still occur but placing interventions to try and prevent these falls from occurring is an important task in our daily activities with our patients. There are different ways to measure how the interventions we put into practice are working. Such as seeing a reduction in falls and see an improvement with patient satisfaction with their care, we can see that the intervention is working. Seeing a reduction in call lights as well can be beneficial.

Capstone Change Project Resources

Every project needs resources to help in its implementation and eventually its success. Project resources refer to materials exploited for the attainment of a task.  Effective utilization and distribution of project resources are essential for successful project implementation (Langenwalter, 2020). The project resource should be identified early enough, probably before initiating the project. The project manager should determine the things they need at the initiation of the project to avoid getting stuck in the middle of the implementation process to seek additional resources. Ignoring crucial project resources may result in various issues, which eventually cause project failure. The purpose of this paper is to provide capstone change project resources to help in the implementation of the change project.

The purpose of this proposed change project is to provide health education on lifestyle changes among obese adolescents to reduce obesity rates. After consulting with my preceptor, I have identified important resources required for the implementation of the project. The resources include human resources, financial resources, and material resources.

Human Resources

Human resources entail care providers such as nurse educators, counselors, nutritionists, and physical activity coaches who will lead patient education programs (Eyibio & Daniel, 2020). This is the most important resource in this project. These care providers can work closely with the community and leaders to attract more adolescents to participate in the project and help in advancing health education to more adolescents from various settings.

Financial Resources

Financial resources are also essential in the implementation of this project. All projects, irrespective of their scale or intricacy, require money (Dopp et al., 2020). This project requires money to help in hiring more caregivers, hiring venues for conducting the health education, buying educational materials, and assisting in logistics such as supplies and transport that are necessary for providing health education. Nurse Managers in charge of the project should have skills in managing budgets. They need to be confident in dealing with finances and costs to enable every stage of the project to run smoothly.

Material Resources

The other resource is educational material resources. These vital resources include supplies and materials that are an integral part of the projec

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