NRS 455 Benchmark – Case Study: Mr. D. Assessment Directions: Read the case study below. Evaluate the information and formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation. Complete the critical thinking table and submit this completed template to the assignment dropbox. Case Study: Mr. D.

How does Mr. D.’s nonadherence to his diabetes self-management plan for DM Type II contribute to ESRD? Non-adherence to diabetic medication contributes to impaired blood glucose control, which leads to long-term hyperglycemia. Mr. D’s failure to adhere to his medications led to impaired glucose metabolism with constant hyperglycemia, resulting in insulin resistance (Zheng et al., 2020). Insulin resistance is linked with abnormal insulin sensitivity, which contributes to kidney failure.



Describe the common considerations with insulin use for practicing Muslims. The primary care provider (PCP) of a practicing Muslim patient should consider the ritual fasting that Muslims observe during Ramadan. The PCPC should plan for the patient’s care to establish if one can fast and how the blood glucose levels can be managed during the fasting period (Ahmed et al., 2020).


For the practicing Muslim, the PCP should consider the following when planning for the patient’s care: Glycemic status; Complications and other comorbidities that may be worsened by prolonged fasting like CKD and Heart conditions; The patient’s diet and meal plan; Possible risks of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance (Ahmed et al., 2020).

Furthermore, the PCP should plan whether the patient can fast by assessing renal and hepatic functions, electrolyte imbalance, and infections.

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