NRS 451V Week 4 Organizational Culture and Values Presentation Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10-15 slides, not including title or reference slide) on organizational culture and values. Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes. Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and promote effective problem solving. Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which ……… Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

Introduction & Purpose of the Presentation

Organizational culture and values are critical components that allow nurses to deliver care to patients. Organizational culture is based on values, norms and practices that the management uses to develop mission and vision statements. Nurses thrive in friendly organizational cultures that value diversity and are transformational based on their values, mission, and vision statements (Kang et al., 2020). Through such environments, nurses enhance their patient engagements, develop better and innovative patient care models and this leads to positive patient outcomes (Braithwaite et al., 2018). The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the role of organizational culture and values based on mission and vision and its influence on nurses’ engagement. The presentation also explores the role of organizational culture and values in conflict resolution and management in health care setting.

Definition & Importance of Organizational Culture and Values

Organizational culture entails shared beliefs, values, and attitudes. An organizational culture also include the conduct and way of behaving, communication aspects, customs and the vision crafted by those involved. Furthermore, values and culture within an organization denote to a system of sharing assumptions and common approaches to issues as well as how employees behave in their duties (Braithwaite et al., 2018). Values are moral tools and components within the organization that guide overall conduct. Shared values and beliefs have robust influence on employees in the organization.

Purpose of Organizational Mission, Vision & Values

Organizational culture is important to different stakeholders who include the management and employees. Organizational culture and values encourage collaborations, motivates employees, leads to attainment of goals. Organizational culture and values provide the requisite foundation for ethical conduct and way of doing things for an entity (Runtu et al., 2019). Organizational culture influences the type of nursing and patient care models used by an organization. culture and values also shape the way staff, nurses, and providers develop relationships, communicate and collaborate in the healthcare setting (Manion & Davies, 2018). Organizational culture and values also establish expectations and standards of practice and a commitment by healthcare entities to the communities that they serve.

Mission statement offers overall purpose of what an organization hopes to attain now or in the current situation. Through the mission statement, a healthcare organization provides services that meet consumer needs and develops innovative interventions in health promotion and disease management. Vision statement ensures that an organization considers futuristic aspects in their industry and develops interventions to attain them (Runtu et al., 2019). For instance, the deployment of technology in healthcare implores organizations to consider innovative approaches in care delivery in the future to meet patient needs. Values allow practitioners to develop and model certain ethical imperatives like honesty and integrity to deliver quality patient care (Manion & Davies, 2018). The overall intent of these components is to develop an organizational culture that aligns with the overall need to deliver quality patient care.

Significance of Mission, Vision & Values to Nurse Engagement

As posited, the essence of mission, vision and values in an organization is to develop an organizational culture that espouses goals and objectives of the entity. Mission, vision, and values statements are essential ton engagement of nurses in different ways. They encourage positive and productive nurse-to-nurse interactions and relationships that are important in health care setting (Nightingale, 2018). They also promote longevity and retention implying that they reduce possible turnover and shortage in the practice setting. Mission and vision as well as values lead to increased commitment by nurses to a facility and to patients. They also allow development and nurturing of positive interactions with patients (Mannion & Davies, 2018). Mission, vision, and values are fundamental components of effective ways of communication and overall conduct among nurses. The implication is that nurses need systems that have positive values, vision and mission to motivate and inspire them to offer quality patient care.

Significance of Mission, Vision & Values to Patient Outcomes

Studies are categorical that positive relationship exists between an effective organizational culture and patient satisfaction based on better interactions with patients and commitment to quality care delivery. Patient satisfaction and outcomes are important measures of clinical outcomes and health care performance. Patients prefer organizations

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