NRS-451 Executive Summary GCU

The fundamental target of this proposal is to provide an answer to a contemporary medical challenge whose negative impact to the nation is huge and very costly. There is critical need of executing precautionary measures to avert the issue and inability to this, its unfavorable impacts will end up uncontrolled. The primary target population of this program is the obese that are have low socioeconomic status and prone to obesity or over weight. This program will address healthcare disproportion in the community. The individuals in the community will learn through the program the significance of healthy eating, abstaining from excessive food intake and routine physical activities and thus, this healthy way of living will help in limiting instances of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and obesity which is centered on in this program. There are different qualities that make this program worthy and essential to execute. Obese patients are consistently victimized; however, this program will help to teach the individuals in this community about how to grant help and support to the victims affected rather that despising them therefore, it will raise their self-confidence and be encouraged to accept the program and cut excessive weight.

The program has a well-organized spending plan and plans to get the required money to run it. At the point when the advantages and the expenses of the projects are evaluated, it is clear that this program is within means and worth carrying out. Additionally, there is minimization of expenses and its advantages are significant, thus, the target group can be impacted, and the goals achieved.


There are specific organized areas where the program will be held. Participating members will likewise get an opportunity to learn from healthcare providers about issues concerning health and thus, their health education will improve.

Proper measurements have been used to assess the adequacy of the program and this clarifies the program is successful in drawing attention to obesity and bringing down the instances of obesity in the population served.

In such programs, there are numerous advantages that it would yield, and they are contacting the health facility and accordingly, there is high likelihood that the facilities will support the program and its execution will be fruitful.

There are many quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. Some of the most common ones include Six Sigma, Lean, and Total Quality Management (TQM). Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology that aims to improve the quality of products and services. It uses a set of tools and techniques to measure defects and identify ways to reduce them. Lean is a process improvement approach that aims to eliminate waste and increase efficiency. It focuses on eliminating steps or activities that do not add value to a product or service. TQM is a management philosophy that promotes the pursuit of excellence in all areas of business operations. It emphasizes continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and teamwork. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a quality improvement initiative involving improved electronic medical record documentation, including target population, benefits, cost, and the basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

Main Problem

In my healthcare settings, incomplete or illegible documentation continues to be a major problem that requires improvement. One potential solution is improved electronic medical record documentation. Incomplete physician notes are the leading cause of malpractice claims, and account for almost half of all paid malpractice claims. In my healthcare organization, incomplete or illegible documentation lead to miscommunication and errors. For example, if a doctor’s notes are incomplete or illegible, another doctor may not be able to understand them and could end up prescribing the wrong medication or performing the wrong procedure.

Solution to the Problem

Improved electronic medical record documentation is one way to help mitigate the problems caused by incomplete or illegible documentation. With accurate and complete patient information, clinicians can deliver consistent healthcare services to patients. Electronic health records (EHRs) can help improve the accuracy and completeness of patient information. EHRs can also help reduce the amount of time clinicians spend on documentation, which can free up time to provide more patient care. Improved electronic medical record documentation is a quality improvement initiative that will ensure proper and accurate information.

Purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative

The purpose of the quality improvement initiative is to improve electronic medical record documentation by reducing the number of incomple

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