NRS 433V RS1: PICOT Question and Literature Search I need to develop a PICOT Question regarding a nursing practice problem and do a literature search for 6 articles (3 qualitative and 3 quantitative studies within the last 5 years), using a literature evaluation table to evaluate each of the 6 articles.

Summary of Clinical Issue (200-250 words):


Stress among nurses poses a significant challenge to delivering quality nursing care ranging from direct patient care to managerial functions. Causes of stress among nurses include poos attitude from other care professionals of different disciplines, busy shifts, inadequate rest periods between shifts, time pressure, and home stressors. Nurses constantly work in a stressful environment, demanding their emotional, physical and mental strength.

Lack of stress management leaves nurses overwhelmed, causing decreased productivity, low quality of care, negative outlook of the nursing profession, and low job satisfaction. The management or leadership of healthcare organizations should devise methods to decrease or control stress among nurses and avoid negative consequences from emotional and physical burnout. Nurses too should engage in stress management practices to experience less or no burnout. Specifically, the leadership should adopt evidence-based intervention to manage stress among nurses.

The evidence-based project will explore evidence from previously published research on the effect of stress management among nurses on their coping skills and job satisfaction. Thus, modifying a person’s perception of a stressful incident through adaptive learning of coping strategies to minimize the stress faced can be effective considering one cannot eliminate all stress triggers.

This project offers an evidence-based solution of reducing occupational stress in the healthcare sector, implementation of a stress management program through nurse education that enhances coping skills with work-related stress to improve job satisfaction.

The evidence is derived from an analysis of six articles, three qualitative and three quantitative. The rest of the paper entails a literature evaluation of the six articles.


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