NRS 433 Topic 5 DQ 2 DQ According to the textbook, nurses in various settings are adopting a research-based (or evidence-based) practice that incorporates research findings into their decisions and interactions with clients.\


Evidence-based practice is the deliberate and cautious use of the most recent research in conjunction with clinical judgment, patient values, and other criteria to inform health-care decisions. This therapy is commonly used in the treatment of asthma, diabetes, and heart failure. In the outpatient emergency department where I work, research findings are considered when making decisions and interacting with patients. In some cases where clinical decision-making is problematic, nurses undertake research and refer to research-based programs before making a clinical choice. Treatment is initiated in accordance with research-based program recommendations (Shelton et al. 2018). As a kind of self-care and spirituality for both my patients and myself, I would routinely check on patients in my department to ensure their prescriptions were provided and they were comfortable in their beds.

Furthermore, it has been used in the workplace in a variety of ways. Research is conducted, and then relevant research findings are packaged into usable goods, increasing the likelihood that research evidence will be used. This is referred to as knowledge creation and distillation. End users must inform and direct the knowledge distillation process in order for research findings to be integrated into care delivery. The evaluation criteria should consider both traditional characteristics of knowledge growth as well as the perspectives of the ultimate consumers.

Collaboration with industry thought leaders and healthcare organizations to share information that could serve as the foundation for action among potential users is what diffusion and dissemination implies. Partnerships for dissemination help identify influential groups and communities that can build demand for the use of evidence in practice and give new knowledge an authoritative seal of approval (Shelton et al. 2018). Evidence-based practice ensures that limited health resources are used effectively and that relevant evidence is considered when decisions about how much money should be allocated for healthcare are made.

End user acceptance, implementation, and institutionalization: The purpose of this step is to encourage enterprises, teams, and individuals to embrace and adopt evidence-based research and innovations on a regular basis. In order to be adopted and sustained, such strategies necessitate delicate interrelationships between evidence-based practice, organizational social system elements, and individual physicians (Zhang, 2021). Using a change champion within the organization who can effectively address potential operational issues, piloting the change in a specific patient care area, and utilizing multidisciplinary implementation teams to assist with the practical aspects of integrating innovations into ongoing organizational processes are just a few implementation strategies.Christians cite the Bible as proof of their religion’s efficacy (Zhang, 2021). Christian convictions, which aided people in the beginning, can help them again. In the same way that medical practice is justified by evidence of efficacy, the use of a medicine in the current course of treatment is justified.


Shelton, R. C., Cooper, B. R., & Stirman, S. W. (2018). The sustainability of evidence-based interventions and practices in public health and health care. Annual review of public health.

Zhang, W. (2021). Can science and Christianity coexist in the medical profession? Digital Scholarship @ Texas Southern University.

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