NRS 433 Topic 1 DQ 2 Nursing research is used to study a dilemma or a problem in nursing NRS 433 Topic 1 DQ 2


Nursing research is used to study a dilemma or a problem in nursing. Examine a problem you have seen in nursing. Provide an overview of the problem and discuss why the problem should be studied. Provide rational and support for your answer.

A problem that has always plagued nursing is staffing, and it is still a problem 25 years later. Of course, COVID19 has played a part in the recent issues but more so by shinning a larger spotlight on it (Kerfoot, 2022). Inadequate staffing has caused turnover, burnout, nurses feeling unappreciated and dissatisfied with their job. This problem is not just here but in other areas of the world as well (Kerfoot, 2022). I remember in the late 80’s to 90’s when they brought nurses over from the Philippines, the hospital that I worked in housed them in apartments a few blocks away. They worked double shifts throughout the week assisting with staffing shortage but more so to send money back home. Today about 4% of the nurses in the United States are Filipino and very sad to say 26.4% of nurses who died from COVID19 were Filipino (Econar, 2021).

This issue must be researched to promote positive health outcomes with positive people working in the healthcare industry. Educated in new trends, confident in themselves, feeling self-worth and appreciation. Kerfoot, 2022 sees it as a reset starting with leadership, and advancing through investment in frontline staff, viewing all as an interest and not putting a value on it. They need to provide training, support, and show loyalty. Training in technology, providing efficiency and effectiveness to ensure patient safety and last but very important, how nurses are viewed in the industry with positively, competence and appreciation. There is a data management system that could give some relief to already over worked and stressed nurses, it is called the POCT – Point of care testing. It provides rapid testing and could possibly make patient outcomes better, and as staffing shortages continue all available resources are welcomed (Nichols, 2003).

Another area to address when looking at staffing shortage of nurses would be job satisfaction. It is important for staff to feel appreciated. If leadership cold invest in ways to reduce stress, improve the work environment it could boost morale. Leadership also needs to take notice of the effect of patient satisfaction on the workforce to initiate improvements and improve patient outcomes (Lu, 2019).


Econar, F.C. (2021, October 8th). For generations, Filipino nurses have been on America’s frontlines. CNN.

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