NRS 430 Topic 4 DQ 2 Outline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing

A very critically ill baby arrived from an outside hospital. Intubated with limited access. The MDs could not get an arterial line on the patient. A nurse was placing a PIV in the hand and after further inspection the nurse realized she placed the PIV in the artery. The MD at bedside said to not take it out that we need to use it. It was later that someone in the facility reported her to management for not removing the line even though the MD told her to keep it. Management when on to report her to the BON for practicing out side of her scope. She did not lose her license and was not charged by the BON, though she was disciplined through her employer. She said in hindsight she should of removed it based on principle and practice but she also knew the patient need it. The physician made the call but didn’t take responsibility in the end.

“Accountability is defined as the acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical conduct” ( Darby Faubion, 2022). I think that professional accountability in nursing refers to being aware and accountable for our nursing practice, work environment, and patient safety. Taking the responsibility to commit to and work through the nursing process to better the safety and health of our patients. The nurse is held to high standards, and I think we should be proud to obtain and keep these standards by being honest, ethical and accountable in our everyday practice.

From clocking in on time, to procedures such as donning sterile gloves correctly, to being honest if a medication error occurs. We should be willing to accept professional responsibility and be forthcoming when we do not work within standard of care, or when an error occurs. Feeling a sense of pride in the nursing profession while being fully engaged in the work will demonstrate a sense of ownership. When taking the oath to be a nurse, that nurse is accepting and dedicating themselves to being personally professionally accountable; thus, committing to their career to advance, grow, improve and adapt in the workplace (Sherman, Cohn, 2019).

Nursing is an autonomous profession and maintaining accountability for oneself can not only allow the nurse to grow but the patient to grow through the nursing process and evidence-based practice. When setting up a sterile field for delivery, I need to be professionally accountable to perform sterile technique keeping the field sterile. I need to educate the patient and visitor, through evidence-based practice, not to touch or disturb the sterile field; keeping both myself and the patient accountable in continuing this standard of care. This is being responsible by following policy and procedures to work within scope of practice while meeting expectations in standards of care through evidence-based practice.


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