NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 2 List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice

Topic 1 DQ 2

According to the article Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice (2015), plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words or ideas without clear identification of the source. Three examples of plagiarism include copying someone’s work and not citing the reference or source, inefficiently citing the correct reference or source, or using someone’s literature and passing it off as yours. We all remember nursing school and a particular course we covered was Ethics and Integrity. As nurses we have a huge responsibility to our patients to uphold are ethics and values. We are entrusted with people’s lives and well being. That should be something we value as sacred. We are entrusted to distribute medications, some of which can be life altering. We are responsible for implementing protocols to save lives. We are responsible for being trustworthy and true. This falls under the Nursing Code of Ethics which we all pledged when we embarked on this career.

These core measures should also be evident in our literature. It’s very important to uphold these rules when compiling evidenced based practice. EBP is how we learn to advance skill and technique to improve patient outcome. This ultimately can save lives and prevent medical mistakes. Therefore it is imperative that we refrain from plagiarizing in the nursing profession. To ensure academic integrity I will first correctly cite my sources. I will not take someones work and pass it as mine. I struggle with APA formatting but I will study to make sure I accurately cite sources to the best of my ability. Another way I can ensure academic integrity is simply asking questions. If their is a particular literature that I am unfamiliar with citing; I can ask my professor or other classmates how to reference it. I can also refer to the Universities APA and sources cited documents for more information. When you’re under pressure or unfamiliar with something it’s easy to get in a bind and rush to turn something in. We sometimes forget that we can simply slow down and ask a question for more clarification.



Falkner (2015). Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice retrieved from

GCU Academics (2015, May 7) Plagiarism Tutorial retrieved from

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