NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 1 Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time, and the concerns you have about completing your baccalaureate degree NRS 430 Topic 1 DQ 1 Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time, and the concerns you have about completing your baccalaureate degree. Based on the readings in the course resources, what strategies can you implement to be a successful student? REPLY T


It was a dream which was not fulfilled since long due to financial constraints and family priorities. But now after recently moving to this country, I have found a suitable time to further purse my nursing studies. There was a time when experience was a good replacement for a BSN, but those days are gone. Moreover, a BSN degree will open better job prospects, opportunities as a nurse and job satisfaction. A highly educated nursing workforce can help a nations’ population by high quality, patient–centered care. Deepening or upgrading my knowledge can provide quality nursing care to critical patients through critical thinking, planning, implementation and lastly by evaluation.

My primary concern is balancing full time work while pursuing studies as well as dealing with household chores at the same time. I am also concerned about completing my assignments on a tight schedule.

My strategies on being successful includes attending classes regularly, reading through course materials, and asking relevant questions. I will refer back to it throughout the semester, manage my study space, set a schedule and use available online resources. Academic writing skills may be useful for patient reports in a clear and concise manner. It will be beneficial for me to be aware of relevant online databases to expand my knowledge, search for and retrieve the most current information to the patient.

Balancing work, family, school and other aspects of life can be a great deal for nurses and nursing students. Several habits can help a nurse become effective and make one excel. The most important habit is to master time known as effective time management. It involves making out time for every aspect of life;work, school, family, friends, and taking out time to relax after a stressful day.

Also, setting goals that are measurable and achievable sets a student apart for success. Cultivating a healthy lifestyle, focusing on a task at a time helps to prevent multitasking which makes you want to catch a glimpse of everything (Murphy, 2015).

Finally, in order to be successful in a nursing program such as RN to BSN, it is paramount to ask for assistance when overwhelmed or when necessary. Being proactive, appreciating and rewarding oneself for a job well done are all wonderful ways to achieve success. These habits keep one elated and healthy,setting the path to effectiveness and success.


Chioma, you gave a great tool for Rose regarding her concern for balancing a full-time job, home life and school; ask for help.

Sometimes it is hard to balance everything all at once. When we get overwhelmed, one aspect in our lives can suffer. To avoid this, we need to remember to ask for help. Caitlin Vogt states in The Importance of Asking for Help (2021), “Be specific, and make a list if you think that will organize your thoughts. When you can clearly articulate the assistance you need, your professor, counselor, classmate, or friend will have a better idea of how to guide you. You are helping them help you!” I agree with her statements. I tend to ask for help; however, I do not think that I am specific enough which can cause confusion. I think asking for help while being clear and precise, can help you balance your work, home life and school schedule.

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