nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay Health Promotion in Minority Populations


America is known as the most culturally diverse countries in the world and Hispanics make up one, if not the largest minority groups in America. When I used to think of Hispanic families, I shamefully knew nothing about their heritage, culture, or beliefs. Then 14 years ago I met a Hispanic who turned out to be the most incredible man I have ever met, he is now my husband of 7 years, and the father of my children. Over the past 14 years I have learned so much about the Hispanic culture, traditions, and health habits, and also that they are some of the most caring and loving people I have ever met, and their culture puts a huge emphasis on family, traditions, and faith nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.

However, unfortunately, Hispanics do not have the greatest health habits and according to (“Hispanic/Latino – The Office of Minority Health,” 2021) some of the main perpetrators of illness and death among Hispanics include that of heart disease, cancer, accidental injuries, and strokes. Hispanics also have higher rates of obesity than other ethnic groups, which could be a reason why they also suffer greatly from diabetes and diabetes complications. Race and ethnicity can play a large role in the influence of health for Hispanics. According to (“RACE, ETHNICITY, AND THE HEALTH OF AMERICANS,” n.d.) genetics and biology can account for some of the variation in health status of racial and ethnic groups, social science research shows the powerful influence on health of risk taking and preventive behavior, social and economic inequalities, communities and environments, health policy, and racist practices. These imbrication dynamics play a role in explaining how racial and ethnic disparities in health outcomes.

Health disparities are things that happen with one’s health that according to (Health disparities,” 2019) that have preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal health experienced by.  Though some of the health indicators have improved some, such as life expectancy and infant mortality, a lot of minorities experience a disproportionate burden of preventable disease, death, and disability compared with non-minorities. Some of the health barriers that Hispanics have socially disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and other population groups, and communities nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.

A covid study that was done, and article published by (National Institute of Health, 2021) showed that minority health disparities are most likely attributable to the continuous effects of residential racial segregation and poverty, which, more than likely influences multiple relevant risk factors and describe health barriers that includes economic, population health, housing, and health care characteristics. An example would be residing in an overcrowded or multi-generational housing due to economic hardship, cultural factors, or the use of public transit may facilitate the spread of the disease within the community.  Also, economic pressures that can arise from being a single parent, limited English proficiency or from living in communities that have a large unemployment or housing costs may cause individuals to continue working even if they are ill. In addition, individuals living on incomes below poverty, or racial and ethnic minorities may have a higher risk of major illness or a higher mortality rate because of their greater burden of underlying chronic diseases and having limited access to health care nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.

Nutritional challenges among Hispanics are very prevalent, due to the large number of family celebrations and excess of food that is high in calories and fats. With Hispanics being known for their strong family bond and sharing meals at home, it can be extremely hard for one family member to make healthy changes with nutrition. There is also the aspect of culture where turning down food is seen as rude, impolite, and disrespectful. According to (“Hispanic/Latino Americans and type 2 diabetes,” 2021) Hispanics/Latinos are known to have a much higher rate of obesity then other ethnic groups and are also thought to be less physically active than non-Hispanic whites. Some, however, see being overweight as a sign of health instead of as a health problem, thus not changing eating habits and making healthier lifestyle choices.

Hispanics from what I can find from researching and my own experiences, the do not practice a lot of health promotion activities. While researching I found an article that had this quote and I just fell in love with it, it states in (Mikell & Snethen, n.d.) “As Jesus directs us to glorify God in our good works, approaching health promotion from a faith perspective provides additional support for Latino parish

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