NRS 428 Topic 1 DQ 1 Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population NRS 428 Topic 1 DQ 1



Geopolitical and phenomenological place influence a population because these terms specify characteristics that aid nurses to properly intervene and anticipate needs. By using these tools, it can provide a more thorough assessment of the community. Environmental health refers to the influence of environmental conditions on a population. Environmental health can effect the risk for the development of disease or injury. Nurses use data about genetics, family illnesses, the environment, and lifestyle to identify patterns of disease and to prevent and treat disease. Identifying factors that affect health enables the nurse to positively affect health on individual, family, and community levels. The nursing process is a systematic guide to patient centered care that includes the steps of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Assessment is the first step which can involve data collection and critical thinking skills. The diagnosis is found by employing clinical judgment. Implementation and evaluation are the last steps which include making an effort for change and evaluating that change if it has been successful or not (Toney-Butler & Thayer, 2023).

Through this process, it is an systematic way of making change in community lives. The idea is to get people healthier with resources and education. Community resources can make a big impact on those in the community. These can be mobile clinic trucks that deliver vaccines to those in the community. For example, Adventist Health created a Children’s Mobile Immunization Program to provide free immunizations to Kern County children who are medically uninsured or  insured through Medi-Cal. Each year they provide 16,500 vaccinations to local children under age 18. They also offer complimentary flu shots for parents during flu season (Adventist Health Bakersfield, 2023). This was made possible because influential members saw a community need. Children were not getting their vaccines due to health insurance issues, the wait at the doctors, and cost. There are no appointments necessary for this resource and they are parked in many convenient locations around the community. The Christian worldview influences intervention because it values health and compassion for others. Resources like mobile clinics align with Christian values because the community benefits from it without it costing them.




Toney-Butler, T., Thayer, J. (2023). Nursing Process. StatPearls Publishing.


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