NR515A: Module 4 Assignment: Electronic Health Record Analysis

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An electronic health record is defined as the digital version of the paper charts that contain the medical records of patients. The system is useful in the consolidation of the medical records as opined by Li et al. (2020). There are difference EHR programs being used in the healthcare organization. One of the programs that is applied is the electronic healthcare services platform which is instrumental in the process of carrying out the delivery of services online.

One of the importance of making use of electronic health records is that it will ensure that there is an improvement in the delivery of care. Owing to the study by Shehab et al. (2022), the delivery of care is improved as well due to the improvement in the efficiency of nurses. This is as well expected to help in the improvement of the view of patients on the process and actions of care.

The other advantage of making use of electronic health records program is that there will be an improvement in the safety of patient care. The errors that may occur due the lack of access of information is eliminated. According to Mahmoudi et al. (2020), the implementation of electronic health records will help in the consolidation of patient information and hence easing the access by the healthcare providers and in turn ensuring that any mistakes are evaded. Furthermore, the use of this program in the health setting help in improving communication since one can post the patient information in one department and can be accessed in another department with ease and fast…

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