NR501NP WK3 Concept Analysis- Empathy Purpose This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete an analysis of a concept found in the nurse practitioner role supported by a nursing theory using an identified process. The assignment fosters analytical thinking related to the selected concept as well as application within the profession. Requirements:

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Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept:

One of the foundations that are used in the process of creation of nursing theories and practice is a concept that is got upon carrying out rigorous research of investigation. The aspect of concept analysis entails the exploration of nursing concepts to small divisions for the investigation purpose of a concept of nursing. The process of carrying out concept analysis is fundamental because it helps in the enhancement of clarity of nursing concept elements that in turn help in the creation of an understanding of nurses.

The selected concept that is to be analyzed in this case is empathy. Zeighami, Rafiie, and Parvizi (2020) allude that empathy in nursing is of importance because it is an integrated process in nursing practice. This is as well useful for the nurses to be able to express the way that they feel about the needs of patients. The concept of empathy is helpful in that it will allow for the enhancement of the chance of attainment of the positive patient outcome and it allows for the improvement of the way that healthcare services are being provided.

Fernandez and Zahavi (2020) allude that empathy is a deliberate, intentional act of understanding the perspective of another person. This is based on the emotional and social cognitive capability of a person. As a nurse, one is supposed to understand, see, and share the views of patients without judging them. As a nurse, one can be able to show empathy by demonstrating connection and acting as if they are in the shoes of the patients. It has behavioral and cognitive implications on the nurse.

Three defining attributes: 

The first defining attribute of empathy is the recognition of the perspective and thoughts of others (1). As a nurse, there must be an avoidance of any judgments about the direction of care that the patient is seeking, and one should ensure that one acknowledges that there is another perspective. Nursing practice is full of many actions that are taken and that could allow for the thoughts of patients to be identified and used in the process of decision making. Nurses are supposed to ensure that the way that patients think and view their activities is in line with their needs….

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