NR394 Week 5 Reflection on Cultural Perspective SOLVED Reflection Question


Much of our culture comes from what we learn as children. However, culture continues to influence our norms throughout our lives. Reflect on the learning that you had as a child and your lived experience.

Think of a change in your cultural perspective that is different now from when you were a child. What influenced you to change your thinking? How can you use this information in clinical practice?

Cultural changes and effects in clinical perspective

Cultural changes in childhood are caused by many aspects from social, economic, and psychological traumas that children undergo while growing. Children are viable to all manner of changes in society considering their inferior cognitive abilities and higher levels of vulnerability. The effect of this social and clinical problem prompts medical practitioners to engage in the rehabilitation of children both in the community and in the hospital environment. In this case, the cultural beliefs in the importance of circumcision to children will be discussed.

Benefits of Circumcision to children

When I was growing up, there were many stereotypes against uncircumcised boys and I was among them. Most of us were laughed at with the notion that we do not belong to particular groups. My self-esteem was lowered and the pressure to get circumcised rose to greater heights. With this development, I got more focused on pressuring my parents to take me to a healthcare facility for the procedure. Most times I would avoid boys groups in school to defer intimidation and open abuses from my detractors. From a clinical medicine perspective, most healthcare organizations use various methods to avert such incidences. For example in my primary school, we had teachers of guidance and counselling training the subject as a unit. Our teachers normally advised us to remain positive that everyone shall one day be free from this intimidation to get circumcised or not. Society has a way of getting into our heads, but the overall ideology is to maintain the better practice for schools, community, and bigger organizations such that self-motivation is attained for all children at younger ages.


From a clinical perspective, practitioners should ensure that there is a distinction when training both young and elderly. In my experience, the norms and culture of circumcision were a scary ordeal. In the first instance, the fear instilled upon me by boys that had already undergone the exercise was too much. The psychological pressure in my head kept bothering my piece until the day I finally got circumcised. Counselling played a vital role not just for me but for many of my friends we grew with and performed the act on the same occasions. I feel that some norms need to be practiced for the betterment of the community just like after understanding the benefits of circumcision. By avoiding diseases, and viruses, circumcision became the order of the day. After circumcision, I felt like a champion since the peace and tranquillity that existed within myself, friends and the community was immense. The freedom I attained made me stronger and composed to face learning challenges and self-esteem. I remember many of us were paraded in school as the uncircumcised group. It was a traumatic experience that later ended, and I thank my community and teachers for embracing this activity, however painful it was. However, it is also important to note that traditional circumcision still exists in some parts of Latin America and Africa in general. Some communities in African countries are tied to the fake norms and cultures of neglecting circumcision despite being minimal in percentages.

Impact on clinical medicine

Medical practitioners should continue training all civilized and ignorant groups on the benefits of child circumcision. This change of attitude is capable of creating a divergent and healthy society free from sexual diseases like STI’s and the most common one that is HIV/AIDS. I believe that with numerous changes in medicine and technological advancements, circumcision will be a thing of the past in a decade to come. For instance, nowadays, both schools and hospitals have sessions of patients focused discussions and hospital therapies to explain vital matters related to circumcision. The hospital facilities have gained easy times to run children’s departments undergoing circumcision because many have embraced the activities after understanding the benefits involved. Doctors and their staff get comfort and speed of functioning when the perspectives of their study are clearly understood. I believe that that world has evolved and since am now a grown-up. I and my friends of teenage grou

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