NR394 Week 5 Reflection on Cultural Perspective SOLVED Conclusion


Cultural changes in children are determined by the guidance and teachings given to them when growing by the community and medical professionals regarding any procedure. Circumcision is nowadays practiced among many communities and countries of the world. The benefits are far more than its painful experience. Thus, I would propose that the practice should be done for all but at medical institutions. Traditional circumcision is not quite healthier hence measures of teachings and experimentations by practitioners should be done so that the society is awakening to realities. The caregivers will be able to avert misconceptions surrounding the practice of circumcision to their patients. The medical world will be capable of living in a society free of many sexual diseases and a reduced level of psychological traumas for teenage groups and the general population.

This week, lessons on connective leadership style have been of immense importance in highlighting the effectiveness of leadership in healthcare. In the past, I used to believe that any style of leadership would apply in healthcare. However, this topic has been a powerful tool that has helped me learn the effectiveness of connective leadership in nursing. The traditional approach to leadership is slowly losing significance in healthcare (Ritz, 2021). In the traditional era, the leader had the final say on an organization’s issues. The authoritative style was among the most valuable traditional leadership styles. However, this week refutes this claim by teaching that the traditional leadership style has been replaced by connective leadership, where leaders have the ability to lead with others in mind. This is where leaders seek advice from other stakeholders before making a decision that affects the patient in the healthcare delivery system.

In my practice, I would like to practice the connective leadership style, especially within my healthcare department. First, this leadership style will enhance collaboration and communication between healthcare professionals and patients. It supports a decision-making process where all stakeholders can speak their minds (Duke, 2020). Secondly, I will be able to transfer the power of leadership to healthcare professionals and patients, who are the main stakeholders in the healthcare delivery process. The harmonious coexistence developed between the nurses and patients would as well be a form of motivation that allows nurses to unleash their full potential in meeting the desired patient outcome. Besides, this style will give me the power to rally nurses and patients to lead change within the healthcare system. One of the main challenges facing change in healthcare is employee resistance. However, through this style, I can mitigate such issues.

NR394 Week 5 Reflection on Cultural Perspective SOLVED References

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