NR222 Health and Wellness Required Uniform Assignment: Health Promotion


The understanding of the best strategies to manage the issues of being exposed to unhealthy air is of importance since it allows for the determination of the course of action. This paper aims to examine the issue of exposure to unhealthy air and the health promotion strategies that could be applied in a specific population that is faced with a higher risk of being affected by the exposure to unhealthy air. The skills in managing issues of exposure to unhealthy air will be of importance in the community because it will allow for the elimination of any risks of one getting health complications such as respiratory conditions as alluded to by Mirabelli, Ebelt, and Damon (2020). 

Relating topic to the Target Population

The population that is focused on in this case are the infants. Young children as alluded to by Naddafi, Hassanvand, and Faridi (2019) are faced with the challenge of facing complications if they are exposited to unhealthy air. This is because the children will be faced with concerns as their lungs are not well constructed. During the adaption of the body organs to the different environments, there will be a risk of having health complications if care is not taken into account….

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