NR 543 Nursing Nomenclature and Terminologies and Using Your Knowledge Solved


Please answer all parts of the question. How would you go about implementing a standardized nursing language (SNL) at your facility? What language(s) that you would select? What, if any, benefits are associated with the implementation of the SNL(s)? Who would derive the most benefits? What, if any, technical issues must be considered? How you would determine success? How will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide and evaluate the final MSN practicum project?

Nursing Nomenclature and Terminologies and Using Your Knowledge

Nurses remain a critical component of effective and quality care delivery process as they position themselves to meet the increasing demand for healthcare services across care and patient continuum. Dues to the breadth and depth of the role that nurses play; effective communication is an imperative as they must share patient information and data with other providers like colleagues, physicians and healthcare professionals (Balestra, 2017). To attain this, the profession developed an innovative approach of using standardized languages (SNLs). Standardized nursing languages are terms and terminologies agreed upon for clinical assessments and enable these providers and practitioners to deliver swift, clear and effective communication for better care delivery. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how nurses can implement SNLs in their facility, the types of standardized languages they can have, and benefits accruing from them.

Implementing a Standardized Nursing Language in My Facility

Standardized nursing language denote commonly-understood set of terms that nurse practitioners use to describe clinical judgment involved in assessments or nursing diagnoses, along with interventions, and outcomes associated with documentation of nursing care.  The American Nurses Association supports the development and use of SNL to communicate the increasingly essential role of nurses in health care, promote research, and offer the standardized terminology required for use in electronic health records and other emerging technolo

gies as well as attaining compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) mandates (Fennelly et al., 2021). Implementing standardized nursing language is an innovative way of enhancing quality care delivery and allowing nurses to interact better with patients and their families.

The implementation of a standardized nursing language in any facility requires one to use an effective approach and method that will enhance understanding, acceptance, and lead to the desired outcomes. In this case, the implementation requires seeking approval and commitment from the management and leaders in the organization to roll out the initiative as a change process for improved communication and better patient outcomes. The implementation will require change agents, especially nurses, to lead the need for change through use of SNL to improve care (Walden University, 2022). The facility can start with an experimental learning program through a nurse consultant.

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