NR 506 Discuss the best approach for meeting and communicating with your selected elected official for your healthcare concern Discuss the best approach for meeting and communicating with your selected elected official for your healthcare concern. What is your rationale for this approach?


Approach for Meeting and Communicating With The Official

Policy advocacy has several steps, with each step having unique challenges and potential solutions. The steps should effectively be completed so that the proposed policy change is embraced and effected. Besides, a policy change needs the backing of elected officials and opinion leaders that can effectively influence the legislative processes and bring the policy changes into fruition (Kalaitzidis & Jewell, 2020). Usually, it is part of best practice to meet the elected official and express the concern and the importance of introducing a new health policy or modifying an existing one to help in addressing a specific healthcare issue.

In the past weeks, this research has been looking into child abuse and neglect as a problem that needs to be sorted. Having identified the current policy in place for protecting children against abuse and neglect and a critical review done, it was noted that the policy falls short in a few areas. For instance, the act neglected the role of community empowerment through education to address the issue of child abuse and neglect. A policy adjustment change has therefore been proposed to include community education in the act to make it stronger. With the elected official having been identified as Schrier Kim, the next step is to discuss the best approach for meeting and communicating with her.

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