NR 506 Discuss the best approach for meeting and communicating with your selected elected official for your healthcare concern

Rationale For The Choice

The pre-meeting strategies of getting attention then pave the way for face-to-face or one on one meetings. The meeting approach chosen to meet Representative Schrier Kim is therefore face to face meeting. Face to face meeting is one of the best approaches as it has been considered and widely regarded as the most effective strategy (Taylor, 2016). When the meeting finally takes place, I am planning to officially introduce myself to Representative Schrier Kim and briefly but concisely present my concern.  By putting the facts collected through my research on the table, I will then be able to present to the leader my personal experience and then present my proposal.

From the experience and learning I have already obtained, I will make sure that my meeting with Representative Schrier Kim is brief and to the point, since it has already been stated earlier, there are time constraints (Mason et al., 2020) since the elected officials are usually busy and have a lot of businesses to attend. Having been part of the team that sponsored the Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act for the year 2019-2020, communicating with Schrier Kim will be made a bit easier. She is knowledgeable about children’s health since she is also a former physician. I am therefore planning to educate her more on my findings and stress the importance of including education to the community as part of the policy she proposed.


Meeting and communicating with an elected official is an important step in ensuring that a policy proposal change gets enough backing of the influential individuals hence higher chances of the proposal being implemented. Using a face-to-face meeting has a greater impact in making the official buy into the proposal.


Kalaitzidis, E., & Jewell, P. (2020). The concept of advocacy in nursing: a critical analysis. The health care manager39(2), 77-84. Doi:  10.1097/HCM.0000000000000292

Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2020). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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