NR 505 Using Evidence to Address Practice Issues SOLUTION Revisit the practice-related issue of interest that you identified in the week one discussion posting, and respond to the following: Describe the practice-related issue and its impact on the nursing profession and/or healthcare delivery. How does this issue influence healthcare safety, quality, and/or health outcomes? What nursing intervention would you recommend to improve the issue? As you conduct a review of literature to better understand the issue and your proposed intervention, what search terms might be most helpful? Based upon your responses to the above, develop a PICOT statement that conveys the following elements.


P-Population and Problem – What is the nursing practice issue or problem and who does it affect?
I-Intervention – What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
C-Comparison – what is another solution for the problem? (Note that this is typically the current practice, no intervention at all, or alternative solutions.)

O-Outcome – Very specifically, how will you know that the intervention worked? What will be the indicator of success, and how will that outcome be measured?
T-Timeframe – Target date for outcome achievement.
Use a sentence format to construct your PICOT statement. Here is an example from the educational field (remember, your PICOT will address a nursing practice issue or problem):

Using Evidence to Address Practice Issues

Poor communication and lack of collaboration among the healthcare providers compromise the quality of healthcare service delivered to the patients. The Healthcare system involves various units working together, which must be adequately coordinate to achieve a seamless transition in the care delivery process among the patients. The purpose of this study is to explore how the lack of collaboration among the nurses and other healthcare providers impact the healthcare delivery process and the measures to address it.

Practice-Related Issue and Its Impact on the Nursing Profession and/or Healthcare Delivery

Many healthcare institutions struggle with collaboration, which influences more suffering and poor experiences among the patients, especially those with chronic illnesses. Lack of collaboration and constant conflict between the nursing department and other healthcare institutions compromises the quality of care delivery and limits the ability of the institution to promote evidence-based practices.

How the Issue Influence Healthcare Safety, Quality, and/or Health Outcomes

According to Rosen et al. (2018), collaboration is characterized by improved communication and allows healthcare providers to handle patients’ issues. Such an environment promotes transparency and the culture of quality care delivery. On the other hand, when people do not collaborate, it becomes easy to criticize and condemn one another. The healthcare providers will not be willing to own their mistakes in care delivery because of the created environment full of reproach. Failed communication between the healthcare providers causes direct harm to the patients. The other issues linked with poor collaboration include delayed intervention and admission of improper treatment to the patient. It becomes difficult for the pharmacists to consult with the clinicians and clarify the best medication to give the patient, leading to poor treatment outcomes.

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Nursing Intervention Would You Recommend to Improve the Issue

The introduction of telemedicine can help promote inter-professional collaboration and improve the quality of healthcare services delivered to patients. Telemedicine in nursing involves the use of telemedicine technology in the care delivery process. The technology allows the nurses to communicate with other healthcare practitioners and their patients, enhancing the interdisciplinary practice (“Revolutionizing Healthcare”, 2019). The healthcare system is made up of different units that operate from different locations though they work together. Therefore, the telemedicine technique allows the nurses to reach their colleagues regardless of geographical barriers. In such an environment, it becomes easy to execute the healthcare delivery roles and harmonize the relationship between the various units in the hospital (“Revolutionizing Healthcare”, 2019).

Also Check Out: NR 5O5 Week 2 Assignment: PICOT Worksheet SOLUTION

Review of Literature to Better Understand the Issue and Your Proposed Intervention

In conducting the literature review to understand the issue and the proposed solution, the key terms to use will include telemedicine and safe medical practice, inter-professional collaboration, nursing communication with other departments and culture of collaboration.

PICOT Statement

The PICOT question guides the search strategies and the expected findings to help answer the research questions. Therefore, sources that directly answer the question will be used. The PICOT statement for the issues will be:

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